【Show & Tell】你說得出桌上幾樣東西?

本期英語島教學實驗室主題是「Show & Tell 」,這是強化英文描述最好的方法,選一張圖鉅細靡遺地描述它,例如圖中人物的動作、空間的動線、照片傳達的意境,找出自己的英文裡缺了什麼。


1. 你說得出桌上幾樣東西?

There are so many devices on the table.
We have a combo of computers and tablets on the desk. 

你還說得出桌上那些物品的名稱?大部分人會說computer, laptop, pictures, mouse, keyboard, plant。不會說的是tablet, ….

2. 你會形容嗎?

I see the plant is on the table.

The plant adds a nice touch.

There are many things on the table.

The table is a bit messy. It has…

3. 從一個點到面

It seems that the owner reads a lot.


I'd say it's someone's office because of the phone. This kind of phone usually appears at the office.

There's a textbook on the table. Perhaps someone is continuing his adult education by taking a college course on the side and they decided to bring that material with them to the office to study on their lunch break.


He has a lot of Apple products. 他有很多蘋果產品。
He seems to be a fan of Apple. 他似乎是果粉。



Maybe he/she is a SOHO worker works at home. 

A SOHO worker就是在家工作的人,不需要再加works at home. 

4. 每句話都是I, I, I

有一個受試者是這樣說的:I saw a computer the table. I also saw the mobile phone and iPad on the table. I saw some tissues. I think the owner is not very organized. I saw the plant is on the left. And I also saw the newspapers on the right…. 

文收錄於英語島 2015年12月號
