I'll contact with you 這句話有錯嗎?



01 她和老闆討論她的資產負債表。
She discussed about the balance sheet with her boss. (X)
She discussed the balance sheet with her boss. (O) 

02 時間一確定,我就會和你聯繫。
I will contact with you once the time is confirmed. (X)
I will contact you once the time is confirmed. (O)

03 他快50歲了
He’s approaching to 50. (X)
He’s approaching 50. (O)

04 他工作能力不錯,但似乎缺乏信心。
He’s good at his job but he seems to lack of confidence. (X)
He’s good at his job but he seems to lack confidence. (O)

有沒有注意到,這4個都是及物動詞,直接接名詞。但我們為什麼會搞錯呢?當它們以名詞形式出現時:discussion, contact, approach和lack都必須先接介係詞再接受詞。例如:

●We had a discussion about our future plans last night. 我們昨晚討論了我們未來的計畫。

●He tried in vain to get into contact with the local branch. 他試著與當地分部聯繫,但一直未成功。

All approaches to the city were blocked. 所有到城裡的路都被封鎖了。

●His decision seems to show a lack of political judgment. 從他做的决定就看出他似乎缺乏政治判斷力。■

本文刊載於英語島English Island 2014年10月號
