精選書評:愛的語言 - 非暴力溝通

作者:Marshall Rosenberg
出版社:Puddle Dancer Press

• 本書以不同觀點探討人際溝通,強調同理心的建立
• 不只教你如何說話,更教你如何聽懂彼此的需求
• 本書提供的溝通手段適用於各種文化

文章難度: ★★★☆☆


"The world has achieved brilliance without conscience.
Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants…
If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence,
our servant may prove to be our executioner."


—Five-star general Omar Bradley 美軍五星上將奧爾瑪・布萊德利


The proliferation of Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg is a versatile and practical set of solutions to this problem. Here you will find language and thought “tools” for developing a more effective and compassionate social approach, though one will quickly find that the skills within this book have grand applications that weren't immediately obvious.

Marshall Rosenberg 所著的《Nonviolent Communication》就是針對上述問題,一套多變又實用的解決方案。在書中你會發現,我們能藉由語言和一些「思考工具」,讓社交方法不但變得有效,且深具同理心。然而你可能也會發現,雖然這些技巧能有很棒的應用,卻不見得在各處都能馬上見效。


The four primary pieces of Nonviolent Communication are observations, feelings, needs, and requests. First, it teaches us to look at “observations” as separate from our evaluations or judgments. Next, the book shows how “feelings”, or emotions, can be viewed separately from thoughts (words, evaluations, judgments, etc.), and in this way viewed as something that shows us if we are experiencing our needs as unmet. After that, Rosenberg teaches “needs” to mean universal human needs, including sustenance, safety, love, or empathy. Finally, “requests” are intended to be a way of asking for a specific action which must be totally free of demand.



While it seems to be a book about effective communication, it also has crucial ideas about neither resisting or submitting to oppression by authority. It teaches the reader to avoid falling into “linguistic traps” that deny responsibility for our actions -- for example, do you think of yourself as being responsible for your own emotions, or do you think of other people as being responsible for your emotions?



Nonviolent Communication is short, and written in clear, plain, American-style English that is designed to be approachable to a wide audience. This book presents useful skills for negotiations, everyday communications, and navigating personal relationships, and they adapt well to being used outside of western cultures.

《Nonviolent Communication》非常簡短,且用清晰、單純的美式英語寫成,旨在讓更多的讀者都能夠理解。本書提供了許多有用的談判手段、日常溝通方法、甚至是人際關係的建立方式,而這些方法不僅局限於西方文化中,而能應用在各種文化裡。



文/ Max Power

收錄於英語島 2018年12月號
