字的時間感:Do, Make, Have

英文的動詞最麻煩了,因為動詞還有所謂的速度感、時間感,怎麼抓到這種感覺,先體會下面的例子:做晩餐是make dinner,做簡報是make a presentation,做決定是make a decision,那做惡夢是什麼?憑直覺可能會說錯:




do the housework 做家事

do my homework 做功課

do business 做生意

do exercise 做運動

do the laundry 洗衣服


make coffee 煮咖啡

make a promise 做承諾

make enemies 樹敵

make a difference 改變、有影響

make it a rule 養成習慣





make a call 打電話
I’m just going to make a quick call. 我正要去打通電話

make an appointment 安排約會
Can I make an appointment for next Tuesday? 我可以預約下禮拜二嗎?

make a mistake 犯錯
If you make a mistake, let me know. 如果你犯了錯,讓我知道

make sure 確保
But make sure you don’t make any mistakes in the first place! 但確保你一開始別犯任何錯誤。

make a decision 決定
You need to make a decision by the end of the week. 這禮拜之前你得做個決定。


do work 做工作
I need to do some work tonight. 我今晚得做一些工作

do the cooking 煮飯
I need to do (wash) the dishes before I do the cooking. 我煮飯之前得先洗碗。

do one's homework 做功課
Make sure you do your homework before going out. 你得做完功課才能出去。

do…a favor 幫…一個忙
Could you do me a favor and pass this message on? 你可以幫忙我傳達這個訊息嗎?


have a bath 洗個澡

have a drink 喝個飲料

have a good time 玩得開心

have a haircut 剪頭髮

have a holiday 放假

have a problem 遇到問題

have a relationship 與…有關

have a rest 休息

have lunch 吃午餐

have sympathy 同情


文/王妍筑、Christopher Owen


收錄於英語島 2017年10月號
