減肥好痛苦? 用5:2 間歇性禁食法輕鬆減重

Are you looking for a new way to lose fat in healthy way? If so, there is great news. In an article entitled, “The 5:2 Diet That Helped Millions Lose Weight Easily and Quickly”, The New Zealand Herald talks about a new version of a popular diet called the 5:2 diet.

A diet is a specific selection of food that a person chooses to eat. A diet is also the manner in which a person chooses to eat certain types of foods.

The 5:2 diet uses “an approach known as intermittent fasting”. Intermittent is an adjective that means “happening sometimes but not regularly or often”. Fasting is a noun for “the act of eating no food or very little food for a period of time”. Together, intermittent fasting is a compound noun that describes “an eating pattern where a person cycles between periods of eating and fasting”.

So how does intermittent fasting work for the 5:2 diet? If you are on the 5:2 diet, you will “ eat healthily five days a week” and “then cut your calories down to about 800 for the remaining two days”, which are called fast days.

In other words, the 5:2 diet means five days of healthy eating and two days of fasting. This diet helps you lose weight because on average you are consuming less calories in a week.



diet (n) a particular selection of food; the foods eaten, as by a particular person or group

intermittent (adj) happening sometimes but not regularly or often

fasting (n) the act of eating no food or very little food for a period of time, often for religious reasons

intermittent fasting (n) an eating pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting

cycle (v) to move or revolve in cycles; to switch between two different things; to move from one thing to another


導讀人:Jack Chu
