




a)   美化,粉飾

b)   網民

c)   盜獵,挖角


If you can't fight it, why not embrace it? That might not have been the motto the management at LinkedIn had in mind when they purchased the news service Pulse, but many a company nowadays is realizing the better way to 1) cope with the ever-powerful social media is, indeed, by embracing it. With the integration of Pulse into LinkedIn pages to present a forum-like platform, users are offered not just an opportunity to display their business skills, but a chance to share an insider's view with job seekers and customers alike.


如果不能抵抗,何不擁抱它? LinkedIn高層在買下Pulse新聞服務的時候,或許並未參酌這句箴言,但今日許多企業都開始理解到,面對日益強大的社群媒體,最好的方法就是擁抱它。在LinkedIn與Pulse整合,添加類似論壇的平台功能之後,使用者不僅可以藉以嶄露工作能力,更能夠從局內人的角度,向求職者和客戶介紹自己的公司。


If the idea of allowing average workers to a) window-dress your corporate image 2) leaves you in a cold sweat, consider this: employees active on social media get 10 times more followers than their companies according to LinkedIn's own statistics. No just that, even more remarkable is the fact that posts and shares from employees often enjoy more views, likes and re-shares than original posts from the companies themselves.




Take Dell for example. The PC maker keeps in-house a team of writers to constantly engage in social activities on the web. Conventional PR wisdom calls for tightly-controlled scripts in those engagements, yet Dell's senior executives simply instructed the team to write what they were "passionate about," in the belief that b) netizens are naturally attracted to people's experiences and stories, and generally avoid sales pitches.




A recent case proved this point. One of the company's marketing executives posted an article about personal reflections on his father's death from Parkinson's disease. The message touched on work and what it's like being a Dell person, and in a short period received more than 200 thousand views and still there are ongoing responses and queries from curious parties.




One potential risk of giving employees the stage is exposing the normally non-public, even secretive, side of the business. Workers could be c) poached, sensitive data leaked, but companies 3) bucking this social network trend would instead face the bigger risk of being overlooked.





1)    Cope with 巧妙處理

Cope 當名詞是教士的斗篷。當動詞有處理,等於deal with的意思。

I will try to cope with his rudeness. 我會處理他的無禮態度。

2)    Leave one in a cold sweat 讓人(驚嚇,緊張)冒出一身冷汗

The metro accident involving fire in one of the cars left many riders in a cold sweat.


3)    Buck the trend 逆勢而為

Buck 當動詞有強烈反對的意思。She bucked at her boss’s plan. 她強烈反對老闆的計劃。Buck the trend 意思就是和潮流相抗衡。

Bucking the digital trend, this reclusive hotel in the mountains offers no WiFi connection, and few extra sockets in the room.

