精選書評:The 4-Hour Workweek

作者:Tim Ferriss
出版社:Harmony Books

• 作者曾是武術散打冠軍、普林斯頓大學客座講師、奧運選手顧問。
• 本書精心規劃的方針有助縮短工作時間、提昇工作效率。
• 作者的播客訪談節目擁有超過一億下載次數。

文章難度: ★★★☆☆


The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss is a work-oriented lifehacking manual for anyone who is ready and willing to be their own boss and self-define their time (raise your hand if you want to be your own boss). This was his first book, and it's from before he started nailing down his formula, so it's peppered with all kinds of advice (see Tribe of Mentors for more useful info like this).

作者Tim Ferriss的《The 4-Hour Workweek》一書,是一本關於工作的生活秘笈,寫給有心要掌控自己的時間、並成為自雇工作者的人(想當自己老闆的請舉手)。這是作者的第一本著作,寫在他提出他「提升效率的6大公式」前,書中充滿了各種不同的建議(如果還想看更多類似建議,你可以參考他後來的著作《Tribe of Mentors》)。


This book contains many buzzwords it coined to sell itself, so look right past those to see that this is an excellent "project book". Do not expect to sit and read this book quietly on the couch. Instead, you should have a pen and paper ready so that you can do its projects. You won't be disappointed.



For most of this book's projects, it will be immediately obvious how they are useful -- for example, he'll have you learning how to make better eye contact very rapidly. For other bits that don't seem to make sense to you personally, just skip them. On the other hand, tasks like "Dreamlining" (basically a way of planning out one's goals) might seem a little discouraging at first but are ultimately rewarding.

書中多數的計畫,都會讓你在執行後很快速地感受到效果,例如:教你在短時間內學會如何與別人有更好的眼神交會。不過,書中的建議,也不見得適合每個人,若你覺得一些建議對你來說不合理,那就直接跳過吧。另外,書中有種叫做 “Dreamlining” 的訓練(基本上就是教你如何規劃目標),一開始可能會讓你非常挫敗,但最終會非常有成就感。


You can get a little sample of Ferriss' ideas and methods by signing up for his "5 Bullet Friday" online, which is free, and which I couldn't recommend more, as it has a wealth of information and details on cutting-edge research, interesting and useful products that this dude likes, and interviews with "power players" on the world business stage (and others besides).

你也可以到作者Ferriss的網站初步了解他的想法,只要登錄會員,就能免費訂閱 “5 Bullet Friday” 電子報。我非常推薦這個電子報,其中除了有大量關於現今最新研究的詳細資訊外,這位仁兄也常常介紹一些有趣又實用的產品,有時也會訪問一些商界、以及其他領域有名的人士。


作者Tim Ferriss的官方網站




文/ Max Power

收錄於英語島 2018年11月號
