

事業要能成功,溝通技巧扮演關鍵角色。 有效溝通足以消弭來自各方的阻力,並促進任務的順利進行。人際關係縱然錯綜複雜,然而溝通技巧仍然有跡可尋。本文所介紹的五項溝通守則,簡單易行,有助您在職場如魚得水、左右逢源。 進入本文前,請先想想如何表達以下單字:


a)      閒聊

b)     得意,欣喜

c)      保留


The winners in business competition are usually those who communicate the most clearly. Whether you are dealing with customers, colleagues or bosses, your chance of success 1) hinges on how well you talk or write. The following are five useful tips for all forms of communication.


Always know the “why?”

Whenever communicating at work, you’re wasting time and energy if you don’t know why the communication is taking place. Before initiating any communication, ask yourself, “What am I trying to accomplish?” Even a) chitchat should have a purpose, even if it’s just to boost camaraderie. Focusing on the “why” allows you to keep on track.


職場上進行溝通時,如果你不清楚「為何溝通」,便是在浪費時間與精神。 溝通之前,先捫心自問:「我的目的是什麼?」 即使閒聊也該有個目的,就算只是想增進同事之間的情誼也是。專注於「為何而溝通」,才不會漫無邊際。

Communicate emotions in person

Communication that has high emotional content should be delivered in person, if possible, or by telephone and teleconferencing if not. For example, it will create more positive energy if you announce a big sales win at a group meeting. By contrast, an email proclaiming the same win will lose some of the b) exultation.


牽涉到情緒面的溝通,最好親自傳達,不然的話,可經由電話或電話會議。 舉例來說,在正式會議上宣佈公司產品暢銷,更能鼓舞人心士氣。 相較之下,以信件宣佈同一件消息,欣喜雀躍之情便會減半。

Communicate facts via email

Communication that is mainly factual should be conducted in writing for two important reasons. First, people only c) retain a small percentage of facts when they’re communicated verbally. Therefore, a written record helps ensure that those facts are not lost. Second, conveying facts verbally to large groups is quite inefficient. It’s best to use email to 2) get everyone up to speed.


溝通主要在事實層面時,應以書面方式進行,理由有二。 第一,事實經由口頭傳遞時,人們只記得一小部分。因此,書面方式可確保事實不會遺漏。第二,向一群人以口頭傳遞事實,容易成效不彰。最好以信件方式讓大家得知最新發展。

Listen more than you talk

Generally speaking, this rule is applied to face-to-face conversations, but it also suits back-and-forth emails and social-media posts. It’s not a good idea to try to dominate any conversation or communication, because if you’re 3) rambling on, nothing is learned. Also, in business situations, communication is always about the other person-- never about you.



Simplify your message

In today’s business world, everybody suffers from massive information overload, which causes endless stress and confusion. If you want to cut through the noise, it is important to make your message as clear as a bell.





1. Hinge on 決定於


Hinge 當名詞是鉸鏈的意思。Hinge on 意思是決定的關鍵在於…。

The success of the project hinges on your continually efforts. 這個企劃的成功決定在於你持續的努力。


2. Get/bring sb. up to speed 讓某人獲得最新資訊


Up to speed原本有「到達正常速度」的意思,但在本片語中引申為「得知有關某事的最新發展」。

We need to bring every team member up to speed on the negotiations. 我們必須讓每一名成員了解談判的最新發展。


 3. Rambling on 囉唆,長篇大論


Ramble 有閒逛,漫步的意思。Rambling on 表示一個人不停地說,讓對方覺得無趣。

She is rambling on her romance all the time. 她不斷說著她的愛情故事。


參考資料: inc.com
