我覺得很痛,不是 I feel hurt!「hurt」 的正確用法是?

I feel hurt. (X)
I am hurt. (X)

1. My head hurts.


My head hurts.我的頭很痛。
She says that her ear hurts her.她說她的耳朵很痛。
My throat is so sore that it really hurts when I swallow. 我的喉嚨痛,特別是我吞嚥時,真的很痛。


Tell me where it hurts. 告訴我哪裡痛。

Where does it hurt? 哪裡痛?

What seems to be wrong? 你哪裡不舒服?

2. I feel hurt. / I am hurt.

再來看看前面我們提到的"I feel hurt/I’m hurt."這不是指哪裡很痛,而經常用來指心靈上很受傷。


I didn't mean to hurt you. 我不是有意傷害你的。

如果用“feel hurt/be hurt”多半是在說「心裡受傷、很難過」。

I feel hurt by his words and opinions. 他的話跟意見很讓我受傷。
I thought they were badly hurt. 我以為他們會非常傷心。
Do you feel hurt? 你心裡覺得難受嗎?

3. Hurt for

Hurt是痛,但hurt for這個片語就延伸為「迫切需要」、「很想要」。

I sure am hurting for a nice big steak. 我真的很想能吃到一客可口的大牛排。
