精選書評:The Surgeon



作者:Tess Gerritsen
出版社:Ballantine Books

文章難度: ★★☆☆☆


“The most intimate feeling people can share is neither love nor hate, but pain.”


--Tess Gerritsen, The Surgeon


Who is Tess Gerritsen? “The medical suspense queen,” says Publisher Weekly; “An automatic must-read in my house,” says Stephen King, the author of It and The Dark Tower. Originally a physician, Tess Gerritsen did not start writing until her maternity leave, and it was her first medical thriller Harvest that marked her debut on The New York Times Bestseller list.



The Surgeon is about a killer who targets lone women and performs terrifying torture on the victims before killing them. “His surgical skills lead police to suspect he is a physician – a physician who, instead of saving lives, takes them.” Take a look at how the author depicts the scene and atmosphere: 

《外科醫生》講述一個針對孤單婦女的殺手,在殺人之前對受害者施加恐怖折磨。「他的手法令警 方懷疑他是醫生—一個奪取生命,而非拯救生命的醫生。」看看作者如何描繪場景和氛圍:


Thursday is a warm night. It is so warm that all across the city, windows are left open to catch every stray breeze, every cool breath of air.

You crouch on the fire escape, sweating in your dark clothes, staring into this bathroom. There is no sound; the woman is asleep in the bedroom.

She has to be up early for her job at the florist’s and at this hour her sleep cycle is passing into its deepest, most unarousable phase. 

She doesn’t hear the scratch of your putty knife as you pry open the screen.





The imagery-evoking narrative combining with perfect translation of medical science to lay readers is probably the reason why Gerritsen’s novels are so addictive.



The Surgeon 德文版封面
(photo credit: Wiki) 


文/ Nikki Lu

收錄於英語島 2018年9月號
