
Engineers at Shell Canada’s research centre in Calgary, Canada are trying to use a little-known metal found in Canada’s oil sands to make a new type of battery.

The company hopes that the metal, called vanadium, can be used to “produce large, utility-scale electricity storage for the renewable energy sector”.

Basically, this means that engineers are trying to create batteries which are able to store large amounts of energy, reliably and safely - which has been one of the biggest barriers for developing renewable energy using batteries.

So far, the battery made with vanadium can only hold enough power to operate a hairdryer for four hours. The biggest challenge with designing this new type of battery, is the cost. Engineers are researching whether they can find enough of the material at a reasonable price to make the device.

Because companies working in the oil sands in northern Alberta are already extracting lots of material used for oil products, they are also able to get a lot of vanadium. The metal is used in making steel, drill bits, and even engine turbines.

Working with researchers at the University of Alberta, the team remains “cautiously optimistic” because the development of the battery is in its early stages. It shows promise, but engineers and researchers have a long way to go before their game-changing dream can become a reality.



vanadium (noun) - the chemical element of atomic number 23, a hard gray metal used to make alloy steels

barrier (noun) - something (such as a fence or natural obstacle) that prevents or blocks movement from one place to another; something which blocks development or progression of something else

cautiously optimistic (phrase) - a feeling of general confidence regarding a situation and/or its outcome, while also being ready for possible difficulties or failure

game-changer (phrase/idiom) - a newly introduced element or factor that changes an existing situation or activity in a significant way.


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