「飲料錢我來付」英文說:"Let me pay the drinks."哪裡錯?

週五的下午茶時間,Bill想到大夥兒最近為了自己提出來的專案加了很多班,想要趁機表示一下感謝,便站起來宣布:"Thank you for all your hard work. Let me pay the drinks."話剛說完,一旁的Mary湊過來,促狹地笑說:「嘿!努力工作的是『我們』,不是『飲料』,要給錢也別搞錯對象了。」

原來pay這個動詞,是指「付錢給一個特定的對象」,我們要付錢,不是要付給drinks、tickets、dinner,而是為了這些東西付錢給某人,少了介系詞for,Pay the drinks就不是「付錢買飲料」,而是「付錢給飲料」了,好像「飲料」本身收了錢。


(X)Let me pay the drinks.
(O)Let me pay for the drinks.

(X)I'll pay the tickets.
(O)I'll pay for the tickets.

(X)The boss will pay the dinner.
(O)The boss will pay for the dinner.

但你可能也聽人說"I'll pay cash."這樣的句子對不對呢?我們並沒有真的要把錢付給"cash",但這種說法是對的。Pay後面的受詞,如果是和錢有關,像是某個金額,可以說"I paid 500 dollars." 稅、帳單、房租等等,也相當於某種金額的錢,都可以不必加for

I forgot to pay the gas bill.(我忘了付瓦斯費。)
You pay tax at the basic rate.(你繳基本的稅額。)
You need to pay your rent on time.(你得按時付房租。)
You have to pay (in) cash for the tickets.(買票必須付現金。)

pay for 為…付出代價
Pay for可以是真的付錢,也可能是比喻性的「付出代價」。
It's your error, and you'll pay for the consequence.(這是你的錯,你會因此付出代價。)

pay off 還清(貸款);付清工資解雇;成功
(1)Pay off可以當「付清」,特別是像「清卡債」,或是「資遣員工付清費用」:
I've paid my credit card debt off.(我已經付清卡債。)
The company has paid off some redundant employees.(公司在發放工資後解僱了一些多餘的僱員。)

(2)Pay off還可以當做「成功、值回票價」,這個用法大家可能不熟,來讀兩個例句:
Did your plan pay off?(你的計畫成功了嗎?)
All her hard work paid off in the end, and she finally passed the exam.(她的努力終於有了回報,她最後通過了考試。)

pay out 為…付出大筆款項
We'll have to pay out a lot on running that project.(我們將為這個專案付出一大筆錢。)



