
San Diego ranked luckiest town in US

San Diego, which has been touted as having one of the best climates in the United States, is also the luckiest, according to a new ranking.


The sunny southern California city won the top spot in the Men's Health magazine list of America's 100 luckiest towns, with Baltimore, Phoenix, Wilmington in Delaware and Richmond, Virginia not far behind.


"Luck is basically our modern world's magic," said David Zinczenko, editor in chief of the magazine. "People need to believe in luck because it allows them to give a name to the randomness of life, and when you name something, you have more power over it."


To determine the most charmed towns the magazine analyzed data about cities with the most lottery and sweepstake winners, the most hole-in-ones on the golf course, the fewest lighting strikes, the least deaths from falling objects, and the lowest debt due to playing the lottery and race betting.


"San Diego's multiple jackpot winners, its low lightning strike count, and its low number of lightning-related injuries and deaths helped push it to the top," Zinczenko said.


Las Vegas, the gambling capital of the country, and another betting hub, Reno, Nevada, also landed in the top 10.


"It is in the top 10," Zinczenko said about Las Vegas. "And you have to remember that there would be no Vegas if all of the gamblers were lucky all of the time."


At the opposite end of the spectrum Lady Luck was shinning the least on Charleston in West Virginia. It was the town with the highest rate of deaths from falling objects, with four times as many as San Diego, and had no lottery or sweepstake winners.


Tampa in Florida, Jackson, Mississippi and Memphis were also among the least lucky cities.

1. Tout 打聽
原意是打探、詢問,招徠顧客也用這個字,經常用被動表現。 例如 Josh Hartnett has been heavily touted as Hollywood’s next big heart-throb, the next Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt.  喬許哈奈特已經成為好來塢眾所矚目下一個偶像明星,就像下一個湯姆克魯斯或布萊特比得。這裡用has been touted是指他的消息,被眾人打聽。

2. Land in 躋身
Land是陸地,land in最直接的意思就是登陸,在本文中延伸為躋身進入,它可以用來指陷入麻煩。 He's likely to land in hot water unless restrained by wiser counsel.  除非聽人忠告有所收斂,他很有可能陷入麻煩。

3. At the opposite end of the spectrum
Spectrum原來的意思是光譜。引申為範圍;幅度 At the opposite end of the spectrum或是 on the other end of the spectrum,意思是另一個極端;另一方面We are two opposite end of the spectrum. 我們剛好完全相反。
常見用法還有a broad/wide spectrum of... 範圍廣泛的…… There is a wide spectrum of opinions on this question. 在這個問題上有著各種不同的意見。 
