

愚人節通常是一個跟人開玩笑,刻意捉弄人的日子。有人會故意把芥末醬和番茄醬換瓶子裝,或是開朋友、同事無傷大雅的玩笑。話說回來, 利用愚人節來欺騙大眾的現象,行之有年。


(a)      惡作劇
(b)     有人動了手腳; 惡搞
(c)      偽裝


Look at them scream!

Have you ever thrown a fake spider into a group of people and seen them jump?  Well that’s what happened with this a) prank.In 1915, 1) in the midst of World War I a French plane, upon discovering a German camp, decided to drop a massive bomb from above.  The Germans, upon seeing the object, immediately sheltered for safety.  But there was no sign of an explosion.  Sensing b) foul play, they decided to investigate.  The giant bomb was in fact a football with “Happy April Fools’ Day” written on the side. They had been duped.




Can you imagine a sky full of penguins?

A trailer made by BBC in 2008 as a nod to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution showed what appeared to be a discovery of penguins with the ability to fly.  The penguins being very secretive were shown taking off and then flying into the South American jungle to avoid the cold on their yearly migration.  But it turned out to be a hoax with the penguins being animated penguins.


2008英國國家轉播電台BBC做了一個跟達爾文進化理論相關的短片, 影片中呈現找到企鵝會飛的證據!這些動態隱秘的企鵝被拍錄到從地面起飛,然後飛行遷移到溫暖的南美洲去避寒。然而事實上,這些飛翔的企鵝都是由電腦動畫所做出來騙人的。


Alien invasion

In 1989, motorists on a highway in London looked out and were shocked to see what looked like a UFO descending upon the city. Their eyes followed the object until it reached its landing spot in an outfield of the city.  Alarmed locals immediately phoned the police who then went to inspect this phenomenon. With backup, one brave policeman confronted the UFO.  When the door opened, out walked a figure in a gray suit.  However, the officers retreated to a safe distance.  But the figure was 2) none other than Richard Branson, the founder and owner of Virgin Group and his floating device was actually a hot air balloon c)in disguise.


1989年倫敦的高速公路上,駕駛們抬頭望向空中,赫然發現很像飛碟的不明飛行物正往城市的方向降落。他們盯著這個不明飛行物,直到它降落在城市的外圍空地上。當地居民立刻報警, 在警力維護下,一名勇敢的警察上前查看。當艙門打開,走出一個身穿灰色外衣的外星人時,警察們立刻後退保持安全距離。其實這個外星人正是維京唱片公司的創辦人-李察布朗森。他乘坐的是偽裝成飛碟造型的熱氣球。



1. In the midst of: 當中

Mid這個字原來就有「中間」的意思,midst就像amid或是middle一樣,都是從mid衍伸來的的,in the midst是很口語的用法,意思是"在....當中",可以是很具體的事物當中,也可以是抽象的像是hardship (困境)或chaos (混亂)當中。

Such beauty was unexpected in the midst of the city.  

There was a sign of hope in the midst of all that chaos.


2. None other than 正是

這是一句很口語,也很戲劇性的用法。原文中這句" the figure was none other than Richard Branson"其實可以用" the figure was Richard Branson ",但就沒有強調的口吻了。

The new arrival was none other than the President. 


Happy April Fool's Day!
