

A Japanese firm is planning to use a drone to force employees out of their offices by playing music at them if they stay to work evening overtime.

Japan has for years been trying to curb excessive overtime and the health issues and even deaths it can cause.

Experts were unimpressed, one branding it a "silly" idea.

Taisei plans to start the drone service in April 2018 as a trial within their own company and later in the year offer it to others.

Seijiro Takeshita, a professor, said, "It's a pretty silly thing and companies are doing this just because they have to be seen to be doing something [about] the problem."

"Creating awareness is of course very important - but this is almost a hoax in my opinion."

Scott North, another professor, said: "Even if this robotic harassment gets workers to leave the office, they will take work home with them if they have unfinished assignments."

He added: "To cut overtime hours, it is necessary to reduce workloads, either by reducing the time-wasting tasks and tournament-style competitions for which Japanese workplaces are notorious, or by hiring more workers."

#key words
Curb (v.)  to hold back or keep in check
Hoax (n.)  a trick to make people believe something is true
Notorious (adj.)  famous for something bad


畢業自聖路易斯華盛頓大學 (Washington University in St. Louis),主修商業管理學、市場行銷。曾於聖地牙哥教導如何預防商業詐騙的講座,對於商業文化較為了解。
