【News Takeaway】學習一門新語言可以預防失智症嗎

Can Learning a New Language Stave Off Dementia?

來源:The New York Times
閱讀時間: 3


By Dana G. Smith

My grandmother developed signs of Alzheimer's disease in her early 70s, and studies suggest that being bilingual can delay the onset of the condition by up to five years.
我的祖母在 70 歲出頭時出現了阿茲海默的症狀,研究表明,擁有雙語能力可以將這種疾病的發作時間推遲多達五年。

Drawn by that potential benefit, many people, like my father, have attempted to pick up a new language in adulthood.

The age at which you learn another language appears to be less important than how often you speak it, said Caitlin Ware, a research engineer at Broca Hospital in Paris who studies bilingualism and brain health. "The cognitive benefit is from having to inhibit your mother tongue," she said, which your brain is forced to do if you're trying to recall the right words in another language.
凱特琳·華雷(Caitlin Ware)是巴黎布羅卡醫院的一名研究員級工程師,專門研究雙語能力和大腦健康。她表示,學習另一門語言的年齡似乎不如你使用這種語言的頻率重要。她指出,「雙語為認知帶來的好處來自於你不得不抑制自己的母語」,當你試圖回憶起另一種語言裡正確的詞匯,你的大腦就會被迫這麼做。

In a landmark 2007 paper, researchers from Toronto found that among people with dementia, those who were bilingual developed symptoms four years later, on average, than those who weren't.

Evidence for the benefits of learning a second language as a hobby in your 60s is weaker. Research by Dr. Antoniou and colleagues found that while Chinese adults 60 and up improved on cognition tests after a six-month language learning program, people who played games like Sudoku and crossword puzzles did as well.
對於60多歲的人來說,將學習第二語言作為興趣並從中獲益的證據不夠充分。安東尼奧博士(Dr. Antoniou)及其同事的研究發現,雖然60歲及以上的中國成年人在參與了為期六個月的語言學習課程後,認知測試的成績有所提高,但是玩數獨和填字遊戲的人也有同樣的表現。

To Dr. Antoniou, the limited findings are not entirely surprising. No one would say that learning a new language for six months "would be the same as having used two languages for your entire life," he said. But he does think that language lessons can
provide cognitive benefits by being intellectually stimulating.
對安東尼奧博士來說,這些有限的發現並不完全令人驚訝。他說,沒有人會覺 得花六個月學習一門新語言,「和一生都在使用兩種語言是一樣的」。但他確實認為,語言課程可以通過刺激智力來提高認知能力。

Key Words:

1. stave off 阻止,延緩

Regular exercise can help stave off the onset of many health issues.

2. dementia 癡呆,老年癡呆

As people age, there is an increased risk of developing dementia.

3. Alzheimer 阿爾茨海默症

4. bilingual 掌握兩種語言的

Growing up in a multicultural environment, she became bilingual at an early age.

5. onset(不好的)開端(beginning)

The sudden onset of symptoms alarmed her.

6. draw吸引

The art exhibition is expected to draw a large crowd.

7. inhibit 約束,(心理層面的)抑制

The medication is designed to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.

8. landmark 地標性的建築;(本文)一個重大的決定

The new policy represents a landmark decision for the company.


