charged off不是手機沒電、更無關信用卡付費...一次學會charge的6種用法

Maggie和美國籍同事一起到日本出差,在餐廳用餐完畢要結帳,同事問他: "Can I charge this?"她一下愣住,還以為同事的手機要充電。一問才知,原來是問 "Can I use my credit card to make a purchase?"可以用信用卡付款嗎?Charge這個字可以用得這樣簡單。我們今天就一起來看charge這個看似簡單,卻很難用得妙的字。

Cash or charge? 現金或刷卡?
在美國結帳時,最常被問到的一句話,相當於中文的「付現或刷卡」,完整的句子是 Will you pay (in) cash or by credit card?但結帳時都希望口語越短越好,一般不把credit card兩個字說出來。為什麼信用卡付帳用charge?原來charge這個字的意思是「記在帳上」,信用卡也叫charge card。來看兩例:

Do you have a charge card? 你有信用卡嗎?
She charged everything with her Visa Card. 她用Visa卡支付所有費用。

How much do you charge for a repair? 维修要收多少費用呢?
My phone is fully charged. 我手機電量是滿的。

I don't think the battery is charging. 我覺得電池沒有在充電。
Is there a place where I can charge my cellphone? 有没有哪裡可以给我充電呢?
Is it all right to put the battery on charge overnight? 讓電池充一夜電可以嗎?

He was charged with embezzlement. 他被控盜用公款。
He has been arrested on a charge of murder. 他因被控謀殺而遭逮捕。
The police brought a charge of theft against him. 警方指控他犯了盜竊罪。

He got angry and charged off.  他氣沖沖跑開了。

Lee charged off to talk to the boss. Lee一下就跑去和老闆說話了。
Our company is charging forward with plans for a new line of products.在為新的產品線做了規劃之後,公司發展勢頭很足。
A bison charged at full speed towards a couple of tourists taking pictures of it. 一頭美洲野牛猛然全速衝向那些正在拍照的遊客。

Recharge ≠ 儲值
也曾經聽過同學錯把recharge當成儲值,他想儲值手機,一不小心說成了 I need to recharge my cellphone. (X)
Recharge和charge的意思相當,這樣就變成了「我手機要充電」。要說儲值,英國人會說: I need to top up my mobile.
美國人直接一點,直說: I need to buy more minutes for my phone.

至於in charge of/take charge of,大家很熟悉了,只看一個例句:
Who's in charge of making decisions in your office? 你辦公室裡誰是管事做決定的?

