

Basic income無條件基本收入,是近來歐洲社運的新想像,又稱 universal basic income或unconditional basic income,簡稱UBI。指國家無條件發給人民生活津貼,作為補充收入或替代工資。值得注意的是,芬蘭的社會福利支出占GDP比重達31%,高居經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)第二;芬蘭現階段先針對少數人試行這項政策,將來若全面推動,勢必要刪減其它福利支出以支應新政策的推動。

目前大部分國家的勞工收入保障政策是採用法定最低薪資(Statutory/Legal minimum wages)制;例如OECD的成員國中就有26個採用法定最低薪資,僅有8個實施集體協商制(Collective agreements)。


Bloomberg reports that "The Social Insurance Institution of Finland, known as Kela, will be responsible for carrying out the experiment that would start in 2017 and include 2,000 randomly selected welfare recipients." "The level of basic income would be €560 a month, tax free and mandatory for those picked."


“ ‘The objective of the legislative proposal is to carry out a basic income experiment in order to assess whether basic income can be used to reform social security, specifically to reducejincentive traps relating to working,’ the Social Affairs and Health Ministry said.”


“The idea of a basic income, or paying everyone a kstipend, has lgained traction in recent years. It was rejected in a referendum in Switzerland as recently as June, where the suggested amount was 2,500 francs ($3,338) for an adult and a quarter of that sum for a child. It has also drawn interest in Canada and the Netherlands.”


原文來源: http://www.bloomberg.com/

