On the case, off the case, make a case原來這些字你都想錯了


Your friend here has been making a strong case for why I should hire you.

"Make a strong case?”他心想,到底朋友幫他做了什麼案子,今天的面試這麼順利?

Make a case可不是做了什麼案子,是商場常用片語,意思「給了很好的理由說服別人」。這裡又加上了Strong,那這個說服理由就更強了。

  1. Your friend here has been making a strong case for why I should hire you.



相對地,如果沒給出一個好理由,我們就用fail to make a case,例句:

You have failed to make a case for us to support this project so we are unable approve your request for funding at this time. 你們沒有給出足夠的理由為什麼我們得支持這個專案,所以這次無法同意贊助。



  1. That will be the case. 



英文的名詞多半有「實」和「虛」兩種涵意。Case實的涵意是「外殼、箱子」,虛的則是「情況、案件」。"That will be the case."指「情況就會是這樣了。」但是如果情況只會是暫時,不會長久,你就可以反過來說

That will not always be the case. 情況不會永遠是這樣。 

  1. Just get off my case!




I told him the problem had already been dealt with and he could get off my case. 我告訴他問題已經處理好,請他不要再抓住我的把柄不放。

I’m doing my best, so get off my case, will you? 我已經盡力了,別再唸了。 

  1. Our new boss is such a hard case.



A hard case是指很難搞、強硬、不好相處的人。也可以寫成hardcase,合併成一個字。

John can be a bit of a hardcase when you first meet him, but he's actually a very decent guy once you get to know him. John初次見面時感覺很難纏,但相處了之後就會發現他其實很親切寛容。

  1. I am on the case.



On the case是在特定情況下正在做該做的事,英文的解釋是

"to be doing what needs to be done in a particular situation"


A:"We need to book a flight before it's too late." 我們需要及早預訂好航班。

B:"Don't worry, I'm on the case." 別擔心,我正在辦理這件事。

