
文 / Kevin Wang

《財富》雜誌「2015年度商業人物」的榜首是Nike執行長Mark Parker。他的名言:「我們最不願看到的事,就是成為臃腫龐大的公司,以為隨便弄點什麼消費者就會買單。」Nike不只是一個運動品牌,它更像一家另類的科技公司。這位設計師出身的執行長,如何帶領Nike持續站穩業界龍頭?進入本文前,先想想這幾個商業詞彙的英文怎麼說?


Mark Parker has just been named Fortune's Businessperson of the Year. Since he took over as CEO in 2006, annual revenue has doubled and the share price has risen six-fold.

Nike invests heavily in footwear technology, a point of pride for Parker. Because it can spendfor the 1) long haul, new technologies represent a remarkable facet of it's a) segmentation. As an example, it spent years developing Flyknit, a lightweight, seamless sneaker. Flyknit was priced high and was slow to get going. However, three years later, it's a billion-dollar business with lower b) price points.

Nike's success relies not only on better shoes, but also on Parker's ability to build on a company tradition of being an excellent marketer of those shoes. There's an old industry line about Nike's c) selling acumen: 
Question: What happens when you cut open a Nike shoe?
Answer: All the marketing falls out.

Parker is on an endless quest for creative talent. "When I travel, I connect with creative people in all different fields and disciplines," he says. "It's sort of just to keep my finger on the pulse of what's going on."

Parker doesn't 2) rest on his laurels. One of his inspiring management aphorisms, a sports metaphor, is that "at Nike, there is no finish line." Perhaps not, but it would feel mighty sweet to break through the banner of his $50 billion revenue goal. Until then, there will be many miles to run before Parker can breathe a sigh of relief.


1. Long haul長期
a long haul原意為旅行的「一大段距離」,引申為做事所需的「長時間」。Before investing in Internet stocks, Tom wants to be sure he can afford to invest for the long haul. 投資網際網路股票之前,湯姆想要確保自己能夠負擔長期投資。

2. Rest on one's laurels沾沾自喜
laurel 是古希臘的「桂冠」,象徵「榮耀」,「在桂冠上休息」表示沾沾自喜、停止努力。
Helen has been resting on her laurels ever since she got promoted to financial manager. 自從擢升為財務經理以來,海倫便一直沾沾自喜,不再努力了。


收錄於英語島 2016年1月號
