You have the nerve,說你「有神經」是稱讚還是批評?

Henry打算要求公司加薪,見老闆前,笑稱自己是a bundle of nerves,Jenny叫他別裝了:「We know you have the nerve.」又是「一捆神經」又是「有神經」,聽不懂的人都覺得自己快成神經病了!……nerve這個字很奇妙,它可以傳達緊張焦慮,也可以說人有膽量,該怎麼用,一起看看:

 1. A bundle of nerves 




例:I was a bundle of nerves at the job interview. 求職面試時我緊張死了。

 2. Get on sb’s nerves 



說明:人的神經很敏感,碰觸到往往會引發很大的反應。get on sb’s nerves就像是刺激到某人的神經,因而使此人「煩擾、惱怒」。

例:These children got on Jerry’s nerves, so he locked himself in the study. 這些孩子讓傑瑞不得安寧,所以他把自己關在書房裡。

 3. Have the nerve 



說明:nerve除了是可數名詞「神經」外,還可作為不可數名詞,表示「膽量」或「無恥」,因此have the nerve to do sth可能表示「有勇氣做某事」或「竟有臉做某事」,必須由前後文判定。

例:He has the nerve to ask the boss for a raise. 他有膽量要求老板加薪。

例:Did she have the nerve to ask money from you? 她竟有臉向你要錢?

 4. Work (get) up the nerve



說明:前面提到nerve有「勇氣」的意思,Get up the nerve或者work up the nerve,意思是終於鼓起勇氣。

例如:I’m trying to get(work )up the nerve to walk in and tell my boss my opinion.


有時候也會有一點變形,用get enough nerve up,意思一樣:

例如:I hope Jonathan finally gets enough nerve up to ask his boss for a raise.


