

“We need more bandwidth to get all the work finished.”


1. I need more bandwidth to get all the work finished.


"Bandwidth" 原指「數位信號系統中的頻寬」。頻寬更大,網路速度就越快。但在這裡,它是一個商業術語,指「處理工作壓力、挑戰的能力」,有點像我們口語中的「精力、資源、餘力」。例如:
We just don't have the bandwidth to work on that project right now. 我們目前真的沒有餘力去做那個專案。
Do you have enough bandwidth to organize that event? 你有足夠的精力組織那個活動嗎?

2. We are on the same wavelength.


Wavelength原意是「波長」,看法一致、意見相同時,仿佛共處於相同的思維波長。"On the same wavelength" 強調人與人之間的共鳴和理解,指「在思想、理解或感受上有一致的看法」,
We've been working together for so long that we're on the same wavelength when it comes to problem-solving. 我們一起工作這麼長時間,對於解決問題,我們已經達到了心有靈犀的境地。
I mentioned the idea, and surprisingly, everyone was on the same wavelength and immediately embraced it. 我提到了這個想法,令人驚訝的是,每個人都意見一致,立即接受了它。

3. It wasn't even on my radar.


“Radar”,雷達這個字,大家應該都熟,是偵測和跟蹤目標的技術。當一個東西"On the radar",代表它在監測或關注中,你會去監測一件事,就表示,你很關心它,因此 "on the radar" 是指「受到密切關注」。某件事沒在你的radar上,意味著,你沒想過它。
Tony and I have some of the same friends but he wasn't on my radar until he became my colleague. Tony和我有很多共同的朋友,但在他成為我的同事之前,我沒特別注意到他。
Buying a house is not even on my radar at the moment. 目前,買房這種事我連想都沒想過。

有 "on the radar",自然也有"off the radar";"Off the radar" 指「不再受到關注」。
The company's latest product release went off the radar; I haven't heard anything about it. 那家公司最新的產品發佈似乎沒有引起關注;我沒有聽到相關的任何消息。
Ever since she changed jobs, she's been off the radar in our social circle. 自從換了工作後,她在我們的社交圈中消失了。



