“Just my luck.”不是說自己很幸運

大家應該很熟悉luck這個字,意思是“運氣”。Good luck這字也經常出現在日常口語中。但如果聽到有人說Just my luck. 千萬不要誤解,以為那是說自己很幸運,意思剛好相反,有一點自嘲地說“我一向就這麼倒楣”。專欄比較少談到luck的用法,今天就一起來看看luck的道地用法和誤區。


  1. Just my luck.



Just one's luck表示的意思為「某人的運氣很不好」,和表面的意思相反。英英字典的解釋是:

An expression of exasperation when something bad happens, especially when it seems like bad things happen repeatedly.



They sold the last ticket five minutes before I got there - just my luck!


That's just my luck! First the flat tire, and now I'm locked out of the apartment.



  1. luck of the draw




You can't choose who you play against - it's just the luck of the draw. 你無法選擇比賽對手——只能靠你的運氣了。

The team was assembled by chance. It was just luck of the draw that we could work so well together.  這個團隊的組成純屬偶然。我們能這麼好地在一起工作是命運的安排。


  1. Tough luck.



"They lost a lot of money on their investment." 他們的投資損失慘重。

"Tough luck - they should have been more careful." 活該——誰叫他們不小心呢。


  1. Lots of luck.


Lots of luck in your new job!祝你的新工作成功!(=Best of luck to you in your new job!)


Have you had any luck with booking your flight? 你訂到飛機票了嗎?

Think you stand a chance? Lots of luck! 你以為你有希望嗎?祝你好運!


再來學一句luck的好話,適合用來安慰人:Better luck next time. 意思是「下一次會更好」。

I'm sorry to hear that you failed your driving test. Better luck next time!


