
文/Ellen Li

一周工作日的五天,星期一有Monday blue,星期五有個俏皮的說法是Friday I'm in love,剩下的那三天,星期二、三、四總要好好工作了吧!猜猜看哪一天工作最有效率?可不可以每天都這麼有效率?進入本文前,先想想以下英文怎麼說:

a) 待辦事項 
b) 黃金時間 
c) 避開

According to a survey on 300 HR managers in Canada, Tuesday is the best day to work on important projects or to simply get your a) to-do list checked. It is the one day of the week when we can 1) buckle down and be the most productive.

It makes sense-everyone hates Mondays. People unwillingly return to their never ending workload. Wednesdays seem to be a long slog since it is in the middle of the week. As for Fridays, lots of people are already making plans for the weekend.

According to the survey by staffing firm Accountemps, Tuesdays are the days when people really 2) get the ball rolling. 33% of the interviewees thought their productivity accelerated on Tuesdays, while 5% on Thursdays and 6% on Fridays. The second most productive day goes to Wednesdays, according to 23%. 14% voted for Mondays and 18% for no particular day.而由人力資源公司Accountemps進行的調查看來,星期二是員工最能順利推進工作的一天。33%受訪者認為他們在星期二效率加快,星期四和星期五則分別只獲得5%和6%的票數。效率次高的是星期三,獲得23%的票數,14%的人認為周一最有效率,18%的人則認為沒有哪天效率特別高。

The firm tried to get an idea of people’s efficiency curve, and the results seem consistent regardless of size or type of company

How do you make every day like a Tuesday? Accountemps offered a few tips to increase productivity:



1) buckle down
buckle down 的字面意思是「彎下來」,請想像一下球員把身體下彎蓄勢待發的樣子,所以有「開始認真做事」的意思。

It's time to buckle down and do your assignment. 該開始認真做你的作業了。

2) get the ball rolling
Get the ball rolling 意思是開始做一件事,而且讓它可以很順暢地運作。 

Let's get the ball rolling on this project. 我們來著手進行這個計畫吧。

如果這件事情已經進行到一半,你可以用 keep the ball rolling表示維持運作順暢。

收錄於英語島 2016年1月號
