to think跟思考沒關係!一次看懂think的常見錯誤英文用法


同事回答:“Don't even think about it!”,Tom以為是:「不用想太多」一停下來;結果同事繼續,It's illegal to park here.

他才知道原來自己搞錯“Don't think about it.”的意思。

Don't think about it.
(X) 不用想太多。
(O) 不用做白日夢了、省省吧、不可能的、不行

It's illegal to park here. Don't even think about it!停在這裡不合法,想都別想了。


1. think straight


Straight 是指「直線的、直接的」,think straight是指能夠平靜、理性、好好的思考。非常好用的口語表達。

I was so tired, I couldn't think straight. 我好累,沒法好好思考。
I'm sorry, that was a stupid thing to do - I wasn't thinking straight. 對不起,那樣做太愚蠢了——我當時沒有想好。

2. I thought as much.



A:He didn’t show up for the meeting. 會議他沒有出席。
B:I thought as much. 果然不出我所料。

3. Just think…



Just think —— she got married at 14. 你想想看,她14歲就結婚了!
Just think of the cost of that rent! 你想想那租金代價有多高!

4. To think…


和just think有一點相近,都有「不敢相信」之意,但to think除了表示驚奇,還有可惜、悲傷,怎麼就、真令人想不到、……竟然……的意思。

To think that he had an accident! 他竟然會遭遇到意外事故。
To think that all that money has been wasted! 那些錢竟然白白地浪費掉了。
