


Many people throughout the world have wanted to replace the US Dollar as the world’smost powerful currency, but this has not happened to date.

Some people thought that the Euro would eventually become the world’s reserve currency, but according to the payment provider SWIFT, the US Dollar is currently used for around 40 percent of global payments, whereas the Euro is only used for around 30 percent.

Many have predicted and hoped that the Chinese Renminbi would eventually replace the US Dollar, and while Beijing might want the US Dollar to be replaced as the world’s reserve currency, the Chinese government has never actually stated that it wants to do it with its own money.

Among the evidence that the US Dollar is still more widely used than the Renminbi consists of the facts that most public-sector payments between governments are in US Dollars, and foreign ownership of US bonds is much higher than foreign ownership of Chinese bonds.

public-sector (n.)
 Businesses and industries that are owned or controlled by the government.

bonds (n.) An amount of money that an organization or government borrows and promises to pay backon an agreed date with an agreed amount of interest.


畢業自北亞利桑那大學 (Northern Arizona University),主修工商管理,碩士學位。從事多種職業後(美國海軍,政府預算分析師、會計師),毅然決然地踏入英語教學領域。持有TEFL證照,已有三年教學經驗,教學法是找出學生生活圈的相關新聞,使英文能夠學以致用。



