

科技業的龍頭盛事-全球最大的消費性電子大展——國際消費電子展(International Consumer Electronics Show, CES)年度消費電子展(CES),剛在拉斯維加斯落幕。八樣創意的產品彷彿來自未來世界,為人類預視下一個世紀的發展。進入本文之前,請先想想如何表達以下單字:


a) 組裝

b) 調節

c) 昂貴的


Hold Everything! Makerbot


The worst limitations of 3D printing may be that most domestic 3D printers are printing solely in plastic. But Makerbot has 1) made a quantum leap. While remaining plastic at heart, the products contain tiny particles of wood, stone or metal. Another big confinement is creating an electronic device. You usually have to a) sandwich the pieces around the functional components. But with Voxel8, the plastic body and metal circuitry can be printed, all at once.





Withings Activité Pop

Intel’s Magic Button


Withings Activité’s activity tracking smartwatch is not as ambitious as watches by Apple—there are no apps, no LCD screen—instead, it features a subtle 0-100 dial that tells you when you’ve reached your activity goal. To have wearable technology embraced by the fashion industry, Intel devised a button-sized system that contains a multitude of Bluetooth sensors. It seems they have 2) hit the sweet spot of doing more with less.


穿戴式科技 Less is More

Withings 的行動追蹤智慧型手錶,不像蘋果公司這麼有野心-它沒有app、也沒有 LCD 螢幕-只有精巧的 0到100 的刻度,追蹤你目標的達成度。英特爾則致力於讓時尚擁抱佩戴式科技產品。它研發一個鈕釦大小的系統,內部裝載多種藍芽感應裝置。這些產品都展現了簡潔而出色的發明。



Keen Home Smart Vents

Oculus Virtual Reality Controller


Doing more than just turning off your heating, the new smart vents by Keen Home open and close automatically to help b) compensate for rooms that get too hot or too cold. It’s a great idea, but each vent will be c) costly whenever it reaches the market. 



除了自動關掉暖氣之外,Keen Home 的智慧型空氣清淨機能夠偵測、調節室溫,讓房間不過冷或過熱。這是一個很棒的發明,但進入市場的單價可能會過高。


Bang & Olufsen’s Wooden Touch Tablet

Sharp’s Super Thin Bezel


Bang & Olufsen’s bold designs, though not always practical, still have incredible influence. Their new BeoSound Moment is a tablet-based music system that has a wooden case, making it the first product 3) of note on the market. A lot of laptops turn into a touchscreen tablet. But Sharp’s super thin bezel—thanks to Sharp’s display technology—makes other laptops look as though they are in antique gilded frames.


Bang & Olufsen 大膽的設計,雖然不盡然實用,仍然帶來很大的影響。它們的新產品 BeoSound Moment 首度以木製外殼製作音樂平板系統,成為市場上重要的第一項此類產品。市面上有許多筆電將螢幕以平板方式呈現,但Sharp的超薄邊框─多虧該公司的顯示技術─讓其他電腦都顯得像是鑲上古董邊框。


手機直接看直播 Sling TV

The Dish Network is launching a new service, Sling TV. It’ll stream channels that have been bundled into traditional cable plans. The possibilities for entertainment now go truly mobile. You can begin to imagine new ways of interacting with all that content on your phone.


The Dish Network 今年發表一項新服務-讓手機可以直接觀看以往僅限於電視的直播節目。很稀奇嗎?這意味著娛樂產業現在全面的手機化,你可以想像不遠的未來,有機會利用手機與直播內容互動。



 1. Make a quantum leap 極大的改變或進展

Quantum 是量子的意思 。製造像量子般前進,延伸為進展突破的意思。

This discovery marks a quantum leap forward in the fight against cancer.



2. Hit the sweet spot (球拍上)最有效的擊球點、要害、最佳狀態

Sweet spot 較常用在運動方面的術語,”甜蜜點,” 也可用在樂器方面。

The experienced drummer should know the sweet spot for the tune.



3. … Of note 重要的;有名的

Several writers of note will be at the conference.

