英語長文章:The Egyptian



作者:Mika Waltari
出版社:Werner Söderström Ltd (WSOY)



《The Egyptian》帶領我們以迷人的視角窺探古埃及的日常生活
photo credit: PnP!

Mika Waltari's 1954 classic 'The Egyptian' gives us a captivating look into the daily life of ancient Egypt, written in beautifully interwoven verses of deceptively simple language and wisdom. The book, which is set during Egypt's Amarna period 3300 years ago, has been praised by Egyptologists for Waltari's painstaking attention to detail. The book is filled with flavorful, amusing characters who are often based on real historical roots.

芬蘭作家Mika Waltari 1954年出版的經典小說《The Egyptian》,用看似簡單卻交織著智慧的美麗文字,帶領我們以迷人的視角窺探古埃及的日常生活。這本書的故事背景設定在距今約3300年的古埃及Amarna(阿瑪爾納)時期,作者在書中對於細節的講究得到許多埃及學家的讚譽,而書中也充滿著各式各樣基於史實而建立,既生動又有趣的角色。


Our guide on this journey through Egypt (and the lands around it) circa 1341 BCE is Sinuhe, who the reader sees rise to become the royal physician. We see him enter the priesthood of Ammon to gain access to medical school, bear witness to the pharaoh Amenhotep III in his last moments, embalm bodies in the House of the Dead, and many other adventures besides. All of this is narrated by Sinuhe himself, who is now an old man looking back on his life.



The characters in 'The Egyptian' often represent their ideals. The best contrast for Sinuhe, for example, is his servant Kaptah, whom often provides him with excellent advice and guidance. Kaptah is a realist, materialistic and practical, and once given his freedom becomes a wealthy man. Sinuhe, on the other hand, places his trust in odd places.

《The Egyptian》一書中的角色通常代表著一種理想,例如對於主角Sinuhe而言,最鮮明的對比角色,就是常常給予他忠實建議與引導的僕人Kaptah。Kaptah是一位踏實又唯物的現實主義者,在他獲得自由後成為一位富人。然而,Sinuhe卻似乎信錯了人。


The deep valleys and high peaks of Sinuhe's fortunes show us many different layers of the Egyptian world, including the priests, the doctors, and the embalmers of the dead. The book's narrative shows profound ideas about the nature of man, most obviously apparent to this reader in its parallels to World War II. The book relates its narrative through prose peppered with wit and irony, though what one might find most-engrossing about it is that it is elegantly and methodically laid out in a way that is completely satisfying. This is a book that profoundly rewards attentive and considerate readers.




文/ Max Power

收錄於英語島 2018年4月號
