

South Korean Businesses & Culture Face Backlash in China

South Korean businesses have been suffering due to a dispute with China, South Korea’s biggest trading partner, over a missile defense system located on its grounds.

American forces have deployed the anti-missile system THAAD, which is needed as a “defensive measure” to counter possible missile attacks from North Korea, as explained by American and South Korean officials.

China has repeatedly spoken out against THAAD, saying that the U.S. could utilize the system’s technology to spy on Chinese military activity. For months, Chinese media have called for a boycott of South Korean products because of THAAD.

Despite the boycotts, China has denied that economic restrictions have been placed on South Korean companies.

However, suffering businesses show otherwise - Lotte suffered a cyber attack after agreeing to sell land for THAAD. Meanwhile, a new opinion survey has shown growing anti-China sentiment in South Korea, follow-ing the economic reaction to the anti-missile system.

backlash (n.) a sudden violent backward movement or reaction
sentiment (n.) an attitude, thought, or judgment prompted by feeling

導讀人:Cassie Hwang
畢業自聖路易斯華盛頓大學 (Washington University in St. Louis),主修商業管理學、市場行銷。並曾於聖地牙哥教導如何預防商業詐騙的講座,對於美國商業文化較為了解。常常引用政治與商業互相角力的文章做為上課教材,希望在改善學生英語能力時,也能對政治與商業的互相角逐也有一定的理解。
