
文 / Kevin Wang




a)      工作狂

b)     精疲力竭

c)      工作與生活平衡

Are you an incurable a) workaholic, enjoying telling others how “busy” you are and how much you “have to do?” Well, you might have been burning the candle at both ends. Now it’s time to put an end to this unhealthy work habit. There is a magic time-management system that allows you to work only 16.7 hours per week, and accomplish more.


The Pomodoro Technique comes with the following four basic principles.

  1. Work with time, not against it: Many of us live as if time is our enemy, 1) racing against the clock to finish assignments.
  2. Eliminate b) burnout: Taking short, scheduled breaks eliminates the “running on fumes” feeling you get when you push yourself too hard.
  3. Manage distractions: In life, distractions constantly bombard us, like phone calls or Facebook messages. We need to tackle them wisely. 
  4. Create a better c) work-life balance: As a Pomodoro master, you create an effective timetable and achieve your high-priority tasks, so you truly enjoy your time off.



Right now. you're probably thinking: “This all sounds great, but what on earth do I actually do?” It's actually quite simple:

  1. Choose a task (just ONE task at a time);
  2. Set a kitchen timer (or an app) for 25 minutes;
  3. Work on your task until the timer rings, then put a checkmark on a tracking sheet;
  4. Take a five-minute break (you just completed your first Pomodoro!); then
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 three more times, followed by a 15-minute break.



Twenty-five minutes of work sounds like 2) a breeze. However, that's 25 minutes of steady, focused work on one task. Multitasking is not allowed. So, you'd better switch to airplane mode on your smartphone.


You can start with five Pomodoros per day and gradually work your way up to an ideal eight Pomodoros (40 Pomodoros per week). In addition, remember to move from a stressful five-day workweek, where you have to stop work by 5 p.m., to a more flexible, relaxed seven-day workweek, where you could work when it suits you.




1. Race against time/the clock  與時間賽跑

race 是「競賽」的意思,尤指速度方面的比賽 。

They're racing against the clock to get the new plant finished before the rainy season sets in. 他們正在與時間賽跑,盼能在雨季前完成新工廠的興建。 

2. A breeze  易如反掌

「一陣微風」與a piece of cake的含義相似,形容事情極為容易。

Installing the program on your computer is actually quite a breeze. 將該程式安裝在電腦上,其實一點也不難。
