老外說Said a mouthful不是批評你;說你Smart mouth也不是稱讚你


You just said a mouthful!

Jack心想,Mouthful 不是吃了一口東西嗎?難道同事以為自己邊吃東西邊開會?



You said a mouthful!





  1. 一口;滿口

Mouth是嘴巴,mouthful最直接的意思就是mouth+ful,把東西裝在嘴裡,所以mouthful是一小口,或是滿口。記得mouthful 要搭配介系詞of。

He only ate a few mouthfuls of meat. 他只吃了幾口肉。

I couldn't eat another mouthful. 我吃不下了。(吃飽了)


  1. 拗口、難讀的字


That name is really a mouthful. 那個名字真拗口。


  1. 重要的話;確切的話

從嘴巴裡說出來的話,也可以引申為重要、有意義的話。習慣搭配是say a mouthful,注意有冠詞a,就是我們先前的例句:

You said a mouthful. 你說得對。


  1. 駡人的話

可以引申為講話很大聲,像駡人、咆哮一般。習慣的搭配用法是:Give someone a mouthful。

A taxi driver wound down his window and gave the cyclist a mouthful.  計程車司機搖下車窗,對騎腳踏車的人破口大駡。



  1. mouth off



Don’t just mouth off. Wait your turn. 別肆無忌憚大發議論。輪到你再說。

I had to listen to Michael mouthing off about the clients all through lunch. 吃午餐的整個過程中我都得聽著麥克對客戶大發議論。


  1. Do you eat with that mouth? (=You eat with that mouth?)



Do you eat with that mouth? 這是一句很強悍駡人的話,直譯是「你用那張嘴吃東西嗎?」意思是,講了這麼髒的話,怎麼還敢用它來吃東西。我們現實環境裡也許用不到,但常看電影、美劇的人應該就不陌生。

用法及例句:You talk dirt a lot. You eat with that mouth? 你髒話連篇。你說得出口?


  1. smart mouth



Don’t be a smart mouth with me! 別跟我耍嘴皮。

類似的片語是smart off。美劇實習醫生裡就有這樣一句,是媽媽對小孩說的:

Don't you smart off to me! 別跟我耍嘴皮。

