英語長文章 - The Effective Executive


作者:Peter Drucker
出版社:Harper & Row (1967)



'The Effective Executive' was written by Peter Drucker, known as the founder of modern management theory. The book was first published in the U.S.A. in 1967 when Cold War tensions were running high, Lyndon B. Johnson was the U.S. president, and the Vietnam War was ongoing. In contrast to the disorder, anxiety, and dissent the era is famed for, Drucker’s book presents a highly-evolved vision of order, showing what a marvelous force humans in organization can become as well as how to accomplish calm operational excellence.

《The Effective Executive》的作者杜拉克(Peter Drucker)是現代管理理論的建立者。這本書出版在1967年,在詹森總統執政的美國,當時冷戰局勢緊繃,越戰也如火如荼的進行中。對比該時代著名的失序、焦慮、以及意見分歧,杜拉克在這本書提出了高度進步的秩序願景,描繪出組織化的驚人力量,以及如何達成冷靜卓越的經營方式。


Knowing the book's date of publication, you may be surprised at the high level of its still relevant clarity and insight. The book provides a clear order of operations for ways to improve workflow. It includes helpful practices that promote work efficiency, lists of hurdles that the executive must consider, habits to encourage, a clear order of operations that improves workflow, and a host of operative truths about the nature of organizational leadership.



The book makes suggestions that are easy to understand and apply – there is detailed information on how to manage one’s time, for example, as well as how to organize one’s system of task priority. Its guidance covers many common pitfalls for management, including task delegation, ownership structure, and time control. He lays out powerful strategies crafted out of simple actions.



Practical organizational theory makes up the core of this book. Much of the book’s appeal comes from the way it’s written and the phrases it uses, which lend power and practicality to its ideas. Somehow, it's much easier to accomplish a task, or more importantly, get someone onboard with your plan and follow directives when guided by a better, more precise vocabulary.




被譽為現代管理學建立者的杜拉克(Peter Drucker)
photo credit: IsaacMao

'The Effective Executive' is well worth the read, providing a clear picture of an ideal, Western-style operating system in business. This book makes itself incredibly useful as both a model and toolbox that can be adapted to suit the needs of any enterprise or focused labor – personally, I found its guidance to be as useful during the solo, self-directed work of the painter's easel or writer's desk as it is in management situations.

《The Effective Executive》是一本非常值得閱讀的書,它為企業建立了一個清晰的願景,一個理想的、有西式風格的企業管理方法。這本書也神奇地好用,無論作為範本或是工具書,都適用於任何有需求的企業或人力組織。筆者認為,除了組織管理,書中的準則在獨立工作室一樣有效,無論是在畫家的畫架上、作家的書桌上。


Peter Drucker's 8 Principles for Effective Managers

⃞ 1. Continually ask "what needs to be done?" 不斷地問「需要完成什麼?」
⃞ 2. Always ask "what is right for the enterprise?" 總是問「怎麼樣對公司來說才是對的?」
⃞ 3. Develop action plans 發展行動計畫
⃞ 4. Take responsibility for decisions 為決策負責
⃞ 5. Take responsibility for communicating 為溝通負責
⃞ 6. Focus on opportunities rather than problems 專注在機會而非問題上
⃞ 7. Run productive meetings  舉行有效率的會議
⃞ 8. ink and say "we" rather than "I"  用「我們」而非「我」來思考與說話




文/Max Power


收錄於英語島 2018年4月號

