生病吃藥不是take drug! 用錯很囧的英文


“Excuse me. I have to take drugs.”


Take drugs最常見的解釋就是「吸毒」,當然,老外最常用use drugs來指「吸毒」。但為了避免人想入非非,服藥就用「take medicine」。

I have to take medicine. (O)


1. 你回來之前我會代理你的職務。

I will take your job until you get back. (X)

聽到你這麼說,同事可能就不敢去休假了,因為"take your job”意味著你要取代他的工作。暫代別人的工作,有一個很管用的片語,叫做fill in for。Fill in原意是填空,那人不在,你就補了進去,意思契合,for後面加一個人:

I will fill in for you until you get back. ()

2. 我的父母親是自由戀愛結婚的。

Our parents were free love and then married.

Free是自由,love是戀愛,很多人想當然耳free love是自由戀愛,西方人根本沒有媒妁之言、所有的戀愛都是自由戀愛。Free love指“自由性愛,不愛婚姻約束的兩性”。維基百科上的解釋是:

Free love is a social movement that rejects marriage, which is seen as a form of social and financial bondage.(Free love是一個拒絕婚姻的社會運動,藉此擺脫社會和財務的束縛。)


My parents marriage was on the basis of romantic love. ()

3. 總經理下班了。

(X) The general manager is not working at this moment. 

(X) The general manager is out of work.

接到電話找公司主管,要告訴別人他下班了,很多人一時想不起”下班”怎麼講,就用"不在工作中"替代,但is not working和out of work都不對。當我們說一樣東西not working,意思是它不靈光了、壞掉了。例如:

The computer is not working. (電腦有問題。)

當我們說某人"out of work”意思是他離開工作、失業了,unemployed、jobless的意思。

下班的英文是"Get off work”。

The general manager has got off work. (O)

