瑞典失敗創意博物館 Museum of Failure in Sweden

WEEK3 科技新知

文/Nikki Lu 

瑞典「失敗創意博物館」於上週開幕,這間博物館展示Apple、可口可樂、高露潔等品牌的失敗產品,因為"learning is the only way to turn failure into success."真正的創新永遠來自汲取失敗經驗,企業組織對失敗的態度越尊重、開放,越有可能贏來革命性的創新。


(A) 磨練 (B) 污名化 (C) 重新調整

The Museum of Failure is the brainchild of innovation researcher Samuel West. It celebrates absurd and hilarious wrong turns that companies have taken in their product development. Quartz reports, “True innovation requires learning from the complexities of each failure - a skill that, he says, most companies fail to (A) hone. Opening this June in Helsingborg, Sweden, the museum seeks to (B) de-stigmatize personal and professional failure." Here is a taste of products around the world that (1) fopped.

失敗創意博物館是創新研究者Samuel West的獨創觀念。它讚揚企業發展過程中,那些做出來荒謬又可笑的產品,新媒體Quartz報導,「真正的創新需要從錯綜複雜的失敗中學習--大部分公司缺乏這樣的磨練。」今年六月在瑞典赫爾辛堡開張的這間博物館,希望為個人和專業上的失敗經驗「去汙名化」。以下我們來一窺世界各地的失敗產品。

Coca-cola Blak is a coffee-flavored soda which lasted just two years. Complaints are about the poor taste combination and excessive caffeine.

Coca-cola Blak是咖啡口味的汽水,只販售了兩年。味道不佳、咖啡因過量引發了抱怨。

According to Quartz, Colgate tried to ride the 1980s frozen dinner wave with Colgate Beef Lasagna, but they found people weren't particularly eager to buy frozen pizza from their toothpaste company”


The smartphone and gaming device Nokia N-Gage was released as a challenger to the Nintendo Game Boy. Consumers did not appreciate that it had to be disassembled to change games. To use the phone, you have to open it like a taco.

Nokia曾推出智慧手機兼遊戲機N-Gage以挑戰任天堂 Game Boy。消費者不買單的原因是,要換遊戲得把裝置拆開,而要打電話,也得像打開墨西哥捲餅一樣打開這台裝置。

"A lesser-known flop is the CueCat, a barcode reader launched in 2000 that few consumers found any use for. The idea was to direct people to a website - via scanning a magazine, for example - rather than typing in the URL."-Business Insider

CueCat的失敗較不為人知。這是2000年推出的條碼掃描器,一般消費者並不感到有用。這產品讓你掃描雜誌等物品就可以連上網站,而不必輸入連結網址。 (Business Insider報導)


"The Rejuvenique facial mask, which delivered mild electric shocks to the wearer's face, supposedly to lift and tone the muscles. The product was released in 1999 to little success."-Daily Mail

1999年推出的The Rejuvenique面膜會產生輕微的電流,據說可拉提臉部肌肉,產品乏人問津。 (Daily Mail報導)

"Apple's Newton rates highly for innovation and design, but the implementation was poorly planned." -Tech World "Hospitals made brief use of it in the mid-1990s, but ultimately Apple struggled to capture market share from the Palm Pilot - another digital assistant of the time. The one (2) saving grace: Steve Jobs later (C) retooled Apple's approach to personal computing to create the iPhone and iPad."-Business Insider

Tech World報導,Apple過去推出的牛頓掌上型電腦,在創新及設計面獲得極高評價,但執行面有欠計畫。Business Insider報導,「90年代中期醫院曾短暫使用此裝置,但蘋果最終並無法以此裝置站穩掌上型數位助理市場,並敗給Palm Pilot,另一間數位助理公司。」但一個可取之處是,賈伯斯之後重新調整了Apple對個人電腦的設計,打造出了iPhone與iPad。

1. Flop (作品、演出)失敗

All of our attempts have flopped miserably.


2. Saving grace 可取之處

The book's only saving grace is its interesting illustrations.


photo credit: popsop.com,extracrispy.com,Wikipedia,davetavres.com

#hone #stigmatize #retooled 

收錄於英語島 2017年8月號 


