
在一次聊天中,John問起國外同事最近的業務,同事說:”The sales are definitely on the slide.”

On the slide乍聽之下,還以為同事請他自己去看slide(投影片),如果真再問”Where is the slide?”可就糗了。

On the slide其實是一個口語化表達,意思是「走下坡」,很有畫面感,就是像溜滑梯那樣,往下滑:

The sales are definitely on the slide.

Her career has been on the slide for a couple of years. 這些年她的生涯一年不如一年。

跟slide相關的片語,還有一個 “let it slide”,表面意思是讓它滑吧,引申為「順其自然、不去管它」:

Most of the time, I just let it slide. 大部分時間我都不去管它。

I was doing really well with my diet, but I've let it slide (= not tried so hard) recently.

除了on the slide之外,我們再來看幾個實用片語,都是以”on the OOO”的結構,而且很容易會錯意:

1. On the shelf

We’ll have to put the new product on the shelf.

“On the shelf”很多人會以為是上架、上市,其實它有一點像中文裡的束之高閣,放著不用。


The new product has already hit the store shelves. 新產品已經開始販售
The new product was launched already. 這個新產品已經發表

2. On the street

It lists at $ 33,000 and can be got for $30,00 on the street. 價目表定價為33,000元,最低的折扣價是為30,000元。

“On the street”字面上是在街上,引申為折扣價。

3. On the rocks

That bank is on the rocks. Don’t put your money in it. 那家銀行快要倒了,不要把錢存進去。


On the rocks就是瀕於破裂的意思,可以用來形容經濟狀況,也可以用來形容婚姻觸礁。

I'll have a glass of whisky on the rocks, please. 請給我來杯加冰塊的威士忌。

