In good time不是良辰吉時


”I 'll tell you in good time.”

“In good time”不是「好時間」,而是指「在來得及的時間內」,英國人常常用的口語,相當於英文裡的soon、early。

1. In good time:及時、盡快
• I 'll tell you in good time.



• I have to deal with it in good time . 我必須趕緊處理一下。
• Measures for combating the drought have been taken in good time. 我們及時地採取了抗旱措施。

2. All in good time:別急、快了
還有一種用法,在in good time前加了一個all,”all in good time”,意思差一點點,但用的時機稍有不同。這個片語在勸人有耐心的時候非常實用:

• I know you wish your house had sold already, but all in good time. 我知道你希望早一點賣掉房子,別急,總能賣掉的。

• Mary:I'm starving! When will Bill get here with the pizza? 我餓死了,比爾什麼時候會帶比薩來?
  Tom: All in good time, Mary, all in good time. 別急,瑪麗,應該快了。

3. Do time: 坐牢/Good time:減刑
Good time表面看來是過得愉快,但也可以引申成(在獄中表現良好而)獲得減刑,如果常看電影或英美劇,這用法就不陌生:

• He got a good time because of his good behavior in the jail.


講到入監獄服刑,英文當然可以直接用be in jail/go to jail,但有時老外講話不那麼直白,會用”do time”來表示服刑:

• It's not always easy to find a job after you've done time. 坐過牢後要找工作沒有那麼容易。
“Do time”也有比喻式的用法,例如:

• I've done my time at that terrible job, and now it's time to move on.

