
What went wrong with Hawaii's false emergency alert

by Cassie

An emergency missile alert accidentally went out to everyone in Hawaii on Saturday after an employee "pushed the wrong button." The mishap took place during a routine drill run after a shift change.

During the drill, an officer in the emergency operation center mistakenly selected an incorrect "template," which shows what message is going to be sent.

The template that the officer inadvertently selected was prepared to send the message to the public. The officer was supposed to have chosen a template that would only be sent internally.

Instead, the message was sent to Hawaii residents and vacationers. It also went out to televisions and radios.

At the time, there was no template that allowed the EMA to promptly send a follow-up message informing recipients that the alert had been a false alarm.

That's now been changed. A false alarm template has been created, and a manager on duty will also have to give an affirmative confirmation before the message is sent, both during tests and in the event of a real threat.

On Saturday, it took the agency 38 minutes to send a second alert confirming the message was a false alarm.

The officer responsible for the mistake has been disciplined and reassigned, but not fired.


#Key Words
mishap (n) = an unlucky accident
template (n.) = something that is used as a model for others to copy
inadvertently (adv.) = accidentally
affirmative (adj.) = agreeing with a request
reassign (v.) = to appoint someone to a different position


導讀人: Cassie 老師


