英語長文章:How to Talk to Anyone

作者:Leil Lowndes
出版社:Contemporary Books, Inc.

文章難度: ★★★★★


How to Talk to Anyone is basically a bulleted list of conversational techniques, and can be read quickly and conveniently as a result. Each of the book's points has its own section that shows how it works and how to remember it easily, and the points are quite diverse but include sure-fire and easy ways make small talk (a sort of master class on how to talk about the weather), how to pick up and use lingo or expressions from different social groups (buzzwords), and how to look and feel more confident in daily life. 



Presented in the form of a to-do list with accompanying visualizations and notes, How to Talk to Anyone does a lot to make its content easy to read and memorable. It's a breeze to get through. While this book is extremely useful, I've heard it suggested that this book is the “newer, better” How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.



Do not be fooled -- the classic text on friendliness and influence is still a mainstay for a reason, and holds in it foundational skills and styles that are worth reading on their own merits. Reading texts on related social skills is a vital practice for getting a feel for how to use them, as well as on which key points different authorities on the subject disagree. 



This book's biggest strength is that it is designed to be totally friendly to the mind. It's written in readable, usual, everyday English so as to be accessible to a wide audience. In addition to being welcoming to students of English, it also provides tremendous insight into American culture and custom. The strategies held in this book make an excellent bridge into being able to engage people in conversation more frequently and naturally, and they are therefore skills easy to grow with a little time and attention. 



In reading a book such as this one, it is good to counterbalance the reading with some study into the culture that it comes from. A book like Erin Meyer's The Culture Map, for example, provides a lot of insight towards cultural differences and cross-cultural communication that is invaluable to books of social skills, granting an even better view into how to apply the ideas held within. This book is quite convenient to steamroll through by reading a few pages every day, and its social guidance is top-notch -- just remember to use your newfound powers for good, not evil. 

閱讀這類的書籍時,最好能搭配其他關於該文化的讀物。例如Erin Meyer的《The Culture Map》這本書就提供了許多關於文化差異、與跨文化溝通的洞見,與社交技能類的書籍搭配閱讀,能產生的效應無可限量,讓人發展出書中技能更好的應用方式。這是一本只要每天看個幾頁就能輕鬆征服的書,而且提供了一流的社交指導。請記得好好使用你學到的新技能,而別用在壞事上。




文/ Max Power

收錄於英語島 2018年7月號

