老闆要你get more leads,他到底要什麼?


“We need to get more high-quality leads.”

1. We need to get more high-quality leads.


"leads"大家熟悉的意思有兩個,一是「領導、引導」,唸/lid/,二是「鉛」,唸 /led/。
The police haven't got a single lead yet. 警察到現在還未獲得一點線索。

行銷上,我們經常用lead來指「潛在客戶」,亦即” information which may lead to a sale" ,這些資訊包括:聯繫方式、背景、興趣等。Leads這個經夾雜在外商公司中文的對話裡,例如:「 要怎麼何提升 Sales Leads?」「 本季Leads 的目標是多少?」

Our marketing campaign generated a significant number of leads, with over 500 individuals expressing interest in our new product. 我們的行銷活動產生了大量的潛在客戶,超過500人對我們的新產品表示了興趣。
The sales team is currently working on following up with the leads that were captured during the trade show last week. 銷售團隊目前正在跟進上週在商展上獲得的潛在客戶。

2. Get the lead out!


這句話原來比較長:"Get the lead out of your shoes."
這裡的lead原意是「鉛」。鉛很重,把鉛從你的鞋子裡取出來,就是「把一切會阻礙你的東西拿掉」,叫人快些幹活。其中的get也可以shake,用Shake the lead out。

Get the lead out and start writing! 快點動手寫吧!
Shake the lead out! I want it done today, not next week.加緊幹!今天就完成,不要拖到下周。

3. I'm sick of having to do the work for May –she's always swinging the lead!


Swing the lead英國較常見,指「裝病以逃避工作」。這片語來自於懶惰的水手在測量水深時,晃動鉛塊,佯裝在工作的樣子。它可以指裝病,或言過其實、捏造事實,例如:
I don't think there's anything wrong with her─she's just swinging the lead.我認爲她沒有什麼病,只不過是在裝病偷懶而已。
Don’t believe his tale. He’s just swinging the lead. 別信他那一套。他只是在瞎吹。


