

人口老化與勞動力減少是全球已開發國家所共同面對的人口問題, 這是由於平均壽命增加與生育率降低所導致。其中日本的老年化問題尤其嚴重,已為社會帶來嚴重的經濟危機。為何在政府的鼓勵之下,日本的生育率還是持續低迷?


a)     平均壽命

b)    父系的

c)     柏拉圖的 

Japan is now facing a rapidly shrinking and aging population. In 2013, the country suffered the biggest population decline in history with a loss of 244,000 people. If the current trend persists, Japan’s population is expected to shrink by nearly a third and over 65s will eventually 1) make up 40 percent of the people in 40 years.




Declining birth rates, combined with a rising a) life expectancy, are the main reasons why Japan’s population is shrinking and aging. It is a country with one of the highest life expectancies and the lowest fertility rates in the world. So why are the Japanese having fewer children? A survey conducted by the Japan Family Planning Association found that a staggering number of young Japanese men and women have 2) turned their backs on relationships and marriages.




It can be attributed to the domination of traditional gender roles and its unique “Otaku” culture. Japan has historically been b) patriarchal. Men are expected to be the primary income earners in a household while women are considered main caregivers for children. Women are also responsible for house chores. However, as computer games and Manga cartoons flourish, Japanese men and women seem to be drifting apart to different worlds.


這可以歸因於受到日本傳統性別角色以及其獨有的 “御宅族” 文化所支配。傳統上來說,日本是父系社會。男人被期望成為家中收入的主要來源,而女人負責照顧小孩,同時也要負責家務。但隨著日本電腦遊戲和漫畫的蓬勃發展,日本男性與女性似乎逐漸分道揚鑣。


Anita Rani, a BBC presenter, explores this very special “Otaku” culture in Japan. She interviewed one man, aged 39, who has been dating a virtual teenage girl for several years and now finds himself too emotionally connected with his virtual girlfriend to meet a real woman. “It’s c) platonic,” he says. This is what leads to falling birth rates in Japan. Many men would rather be in virtual relationships than fulfill gender roles and deal with the challenges that real relationships might bring. For Japanese women, the Otaku culture has made it more difficult for them to meet suitable life partners. What’s more, it’s a challenge for them to strike a balance between work and family life after getting married.


英國BBC新聞台主播安妮塔‧瑞妮到日本探索其特殊的“御宅族” 文化。她訪問了一位已與虛擬女友約會數年的39歲日本男性。他認為自己投入過多的情感在他的虛擬女友身上,以至於他無法去接觸真實世界中的女性。「我們之間是柏拉圖式的愛情,」他說道。日本出生率下降的原因就在此,許多男性寧願投入虛擬的戀愛關係,也不願意去符合傳統文化對性別角色的期待,還有處理真實戀愛關係所帶來的種種挑戰。對日本女性而言,這樣的文化讓她們更難找到適合的對象。同時,如何在結婚之後維持工作與家庭之間的平衡,也將會是一大挑戰。


Such demographic change is not without consequences for the Japanese people. The Japanese government has spent large sums of money supporting social services to take care of the elderly, which has only added to the government debt. In the near future, Japan will not have enough workers to support its economic development. It will take both social and economic policies to tackle the demographic problem.





  1.       Make up

make up有很多意思,在本文是當成「組成」或「佔有(多少比例)」也可用account for替換。The final exam will make up/ account for 50% of the final grade. 期末考將會佔總成績的50%。


  1.       Turn one’s back on something/ someone

back是「背部」,將背部轉向something代表你對於一件事情沒有興趣,不願意理會。如果是turn your back on someone,意思是你不願意幫助某人,不想理會他的請求。People are protesting against signing the agreement. The government should not turn its back on their demands. 人們正在抗議簽署該條約,政府不應該忽視他們的請求。Jack is my best friend and he never turns his back on me when I am in need of help. Jack 是我最好的朋友,他從來不會在我需要幫助的時候拒絕我的請求。


Otaku 御宅族


