早熟的自閉症天才藝術家 Infinite Artistic Potential in an Adorable Girl




a)    自閉症

b)    沈浸

c)     以....為主題


Studies show that approximately one in every eighty-six children is diagnosed with a) autism, a condition that renders1 the affected patients to become nonreactive to the outside world, and unable to utilize language to communicate with others. Parents are often at a loss2 as how to raise autistic children, but with advanced research and new fields of studies, it has become apparent that, language is not the only key that unlocks the world inside a child.




CNN has shared the lovely story of Iris Grace Halmshaw, an autistic five-year old who has b) immersed herself in the meticulously thoughtful, and silently beautiful world of art. When she paints, she is able to concentrate for up to two hours. She has created mesmerizing impressionist paintings that are attracting attention and admiration on a global scale. Her works c) revolve around the themes of nature and showexceptional maturity, and she has been recognized as a youngsavant. 


CNN分享一則感人故事。一個自閉症5歲小女孩艾莉絲沈浸在細膩與沈靜優美的藝術世界裡,她可以兩小時專注於畫畫,她的作品是印象派風格,以大自然為主題,牽動人心。而她早熟的天份,也讓全世界關注,認為她是天才兒童 。


Iris’s creative journey began when her parents found out language is the sturdy barrier that prevents her from stepping out of her shell, and decided she should try art therapy to utilize art as the medium for her to discover her creativity and expression, and the choice has opened up the adorable girl’s interior world. Her expressions have transformed into beautiful colors of artistic forms. When she is painting, even her red-vested loyal feline companion appears to be intrigued with what she is able to do on the plain canvas. 




Looking at the lively colors of Iris’s paintings, it’s obvious that the canvas has become the perfect medium for her, and even without language, she is relating to the exterior world, and causing inspiring impressions that reminds the world of the infinite potential inside each of us.





  1. render



  1. at a loss 失落感;不知如何

想到失落感,我們最直接的聯想是”sense of loss”,可以把“loss” 想像為一個寂寞的地點,當自身處於孤立的立場時,可用 ”at a loss”




