
(More: UGG是澳洲土產,還是美國商標?)



The Taiwanese manufacturer Fox Conn is planning to open a manufacturing plant in Wisconsin, America but there are some issues with this.

Its planned Brazilian plant, which the company has been planning to build for 6 years was put on hold after the Brazilian government, who were major supporters of the project, were removed after a corruption scandal.

Fox Conn is hugely reliant on government support and this was withdrawn after a new government was elected.

The firm tries to do the same thing in every country like China where it has huge support from the government, but it is having difficulty doing the same thing in countries like Brazil, India and Vietnam where is has faced protests from employees for poor worker conditions and from the people for this government support.

Donald Trump and the Republican leaders are big supporters of Fox Conn’s American project and have repeatedly claimed that this will help to bring manufacturing jobs back to America.

Fox Conn would also benefit from this deal as they wouldn’t have to worry about import taxes and other trading obstacles. They would also gain political capital from the Trump administration who have been huge critics of China.

Therefore, Fox Conn hope they will be given government support if they pledge to open a manufacturing plant in the U.S, but some experts are skeptical about this deal as Fox Conn has broken its promises in the past about building new plants in Brazil, Indonesia and American in Pennsylvania.

Despite these issues the Wisconsin state government has decided to approved the deal and expect it to start shortly, but don’t think they would  regain its investment until at least 2042, which has been criticized by the state Democrats.

It's time to repeat !

reliant (adj.) having or showing dependence:

obstacle (n.) a situation, an event, etc. that makes it difficult for you to do or achieve something

導讀人:Daniel Waugh
畢業於諾桑比亞大學(University of Northumbria)工商管理學系,具備中文、西班牙文口說與寫作能力,能帶給讀者關於英、西語系國家工作環境的第一手資料。


收錄於英語島 2017年11月號

