

如果每周都有「週休三日」的感覺,周一到周四工作會不會更有效率?求職網站Daily Muse提出每周四就完成當周重要工作的方法,儘管這麼做,不代表周五真的可以不上班,但能換來周五時以比較輕鬆的方式工作、轉換思考、著手進行永遠沒時間做的事,嶄新的計畫可能就此啟動。

Is it possible that we have all the important tasks (1) wrapped up by Thursday? If we use our time efficiently, it is doable. Even if we can’t actually take Friday off, we can see Friday as a “bonus day” to stop putting out fires, clear your head, and get a jumpstart on next week or the next big plan. Let’s see how people manage to (2) pull this off.

1.Schedule Intentionally
“You’ll want to avoid scheduling meetings, phone calls, and other important get-togethers on that day (unless it’s just a casual coffee get-together with a networking contact). Instead, you want Friday to provide a large chunk of totally uninterrupted time that you can use however you’d like.” “This intentional scheduling applies throughout your entire workweek.”

2.Focus on Priorities
Does this sound familiar: You start a week with the best intentions and list out what you are going to tackle, but you are too busy with the emergencies that (3) crop up. When Friday comes, you realize that you just barely accomplish any of the tasks on the list. "The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." Constantly take a step back and then focus on the things that are critical, rather than time-pressing. The time management matrix can be a lot of help.
Time Management Matrix

3.(4) Tune Out Distractions
Minimizing distractions helps you maximize every minute you have. Avoid office chatter and other’s phone conversations with headsets or white noise apps. “Another distraction you’ll want to (5) keep at bay? Emails. So, close out that browser tab and resist the siren song of your inbox…set an out-of-office message that lets everybody know you’re only reading your emails at a certain time. That way, you won’t feel as tempted to keep checking in on your inbox.”

(1)Wrap up 圓滿結束
Let’s wrap up the meeting so we can all go home.

(2)Pull something off 成功達成某事
I don't know how you pulled it off, but we're now $5,000 richer than we were yesterday.

(3)Crop up 突然發生
Problems will crop up and hit you before you are ready.

(4)Tune out 不理;對…沒反應
Information overload can lead some people to tune out messages altogether.

(5)Keep something at bay 不使…接近
She fought to keep her anger at bay.
