「可以加你LINE嗎」說 ” What is your line ? ” 錯在哪?

在一次商展中,Vincent和一名國外潛在客戶聊天,對方問他:” What is your line? ” 

Vincent馬上拿起他的手機,想找出手機上Line的QR code,對方才又加了一句:” What is your line of work? ”

1. What is your line不是問你的Line帳號,而是…


” What is your line? ” 是用英文和陌生人聊天時,很常見的一句開場白。

What is your line?/What is your line of work?/What is your line of business?

Can I add you on LINE?(可以加你的LINE嗎?)

Can I have your LINE ID?(可否有你的LINE帳號?)

2. One the line 電話中?危險中?馬上就…


A new bus line runs straight to the airport. (一條新的巴士線路直抵機場。 )

His face is covered with lines. (他的臉上布滿了皺紋。 )

There is a long line at the ticket office. (售票處排著長隊。 )

Drop me a line when you arrive. (你到了以後發一封簡訊/打電話給我。 )

電話也是線,所以on the line有「在講電話」的意思。例句:

I've got Mr. Chen on the line for you. Do you want to take it now or call him back later?
(陳先生打電話找你。你想現在接電話還是過一會再回撥給他? )

「線」一般都很細,on the line處在線上,就有一種很窘迫的意味,因此又可以引申為立刻行動、情況緊急:

If this goes wrong, you will put your job on the line.

I can pay cash on the line.

3. “out of line” vs “in line”

再來看兩組相對的line片語,out of line和in line。Out of line就字面意思是在線以外,既在線外,自然就有「不合適、不一致」,或是「不恰當、踰越分際」的意思。

His ideas are out of line with reality. (他的想法不切實際。)
Your behavior is quite out of line. I shall report you. (你的行為不當。我會告發你。)

相對地,in line就是「可接受的、守規矩的、不惹事生非」。

Those prices are about in line. (那種價格還是可以接受的。)
How did you keep your kids in line? (你是怎麼讓孩子乖乖聽話的?)

4. Be in line for 很有可能成為

In line如果加了for,就多了一層意思,是「有資格得到,非常有可能會」,是很口語化的表達:

Rachel was reported to be in line for the job of general manager. (據說瑞秋有可能升任總經理。)

My boss has been praising my leadership skills. I think I might be next in line for a managerial position. (我老闆一直稱讚我的領導能力,我想我應該是下一個主管人選。)
