Wear thin 不是「穿得很薄」!
"My patience is beginning to wear very thin."
Tony 覺得很奇怪,同事老是遲到,跟 wearing thin,穿得很薄,有什麼關係? 今天看看幾個wear相關,很傳神的用法。
1. wear thin
Wear 我們一般熟悉的用法是「穿著 」,但它還有另一層含意,是「磨損」。
Wear thin 就有「使用久了,越磨越薄」的意思。常用來指耐心,意思是「快失去耐心了」。
• My patience is beginning to wear very thin. 我快沒耐心了。
• Her standard excuse for being late was beginning to wear thin. 她遲到時常用的那個藉口已經開始不太管用了。
Tony, the joke is beginning to wear thin now - it's time to stop.
2. wear two hats
Wear two hats 字面是「戴兩頂帽子」,是用來比喻「同時兼兩項工作」。例如:
He wears two hats, serving as the company's chief financial officer as well as its chief executive officer.
3. the worse for wear
Worse 是 bad 的比較級,是指「很差的狀態」;而 wear 指「用久磨損」,在這裡當名詞,wear 當名詞,大家比較不熟,先來看幾個例子:
• This table is showing signs of wear. 這桌子開始顯得破舊了。
Wear 又可從破舊進一步延伸為「耐用性、持久性」:
There is plenty of wear left in the machine. 這台機器還可用好長一段時間。
The worse for wear可以形容人,用來指「奔波勞累」:
• She often comes home from work looking a little the worse for wear. 她下班回家常常顯得有點兒疲倦。
• His car looks a bit the worse for wear. It must have been used for a long time.
Wear 誤區補充:
1. wear vs put on
Wear 和 put on中文裡都是「穿」,很多人會搞混。
Wear 是「穿著」,指穿著的狀態;put on 是「穿上」,是穿上這個短暫動作。比較一下:
• She is wearing a simple black dress. 她穿著一襲素淨的黑色長裙。
• She put on a blue skirt and went out. 她穿上一件藍色的裙子後出去了。
2. 多穿一點
(X)Wear more clothes.
(O)Please keep yourself warm.
天冷時,我們會叫人「多穿一點」,英文直譯成 wear more clothes。老外雖然也懂,但就文法上來說,就是錯的。
Wear 是一種狀態,指一直持續性的動作,意思是「穿著」,不是「穿上」。Wear more clothes 意思是「穿著更多衣服」,意思不通。
文法上要通,可以用大家熟悉的 put on 或 wrap up:
• Put on more clothes./Put on extra layers.
• Keep yourself warm.
• Keep warm.
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