「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠



comparison and contrast 比較與對比
cause and effect 邏輯推理
purpose 強調目的
intensification 加重語氣
place and time 時間地點
addition 附加重點
clarification 化繁為簡

comparison and contrast 比較與對比


alike 相似
both 都…
same 一樣…
similar 類似
in common 一樣…
in the same way 以同樣的方式…
in like manner 同樣地



after all 畢竟
but 但是
however 然而
though 雖然
otherwise 否則
on the contrary 恰恰相反
in contrast 與…成對比
notwithstanding 儘管
on the other hand 另一方面
at the same time 同時

The problem with both of these proposals is that they are hopelessly impractical.
Mrs. Harris may still want a house keeper; on the other hand, she doesn’t like strangers.

cause and effect 邏輯推理


because 因為
since 由於
on account of 原因是
for that reason 因…
therefore, thus, hence, as a result 因此
consequently 所以
accordingly 相應地

The company’s annual event has to be cancelled on account of unexpectedly poor weather conditions.
His explanation was full of technical jargon. Consequently, nobody understood it at all!

purpose     強調目的

in order that 為了…
so that 因此…
to this end 至此…
for this purpose 為此…

I’ll go by car so that I can take more luggage.

intensification 加重語氣

indeed 的確
by all means (表示許可)當然
of course 當然
certainly 一定
without doubt 毋庸置疑
surely 肯定
in fact 事實上

We’ll discuss the open issue again without doubt.

place and time 時間地點

here 這裡
there 那裡
nearby 附近
beyond 更遠;範圍之外
wherever 在任何地方
opposite to 在…對面
above 在…之上
below 在…之下
while 正當…
immediately 馬上
never 從不
after 之後
earlier 早一些
when 當…
soon 不久
whenever 無論何時
in the meantime 同時
during 在…期間
afterwards 之後
now 現在
next 接下來
so far 目前為止
subsequently 隨後的

Please sign your signature below your company’s name.
You left earlier last night. What did you do afterward?

addition 附加重點

furthermore 而且
moreover 再者
also, too 也
again 再一次
in addition 除了…還
even more 甚至更多
next 接下來
further 更大程度地
last 最後
finally 終於
besides 此外
and, or, nor 而且/或是/也不是
first 第一
second 第二

Dr. York is a professor. In addition, he is a television producer.

clarification 化繁為簡

in other words 也就是說
to explain 闡明
i.e., (that is) 也就是說
to clarify 解釋
to rephrase it 換句話說
to put it another way 用其他方式說

Could you rephrase your question again, please?


