"There is something about the algorithm and business model that enable bad actors to harm innocent people using Facebook." said Roger McNamee. He saw Facebook's problems long before many others and had concerns about the danger that the social network posed to democracy.
「整個演算法和營運模式出了嚴重的紕漏,讓有心人士得以利用臉書傷害無辜的用戶。」Roger McNamee說道,他早在大眾產生疑慮前,便預測到社群網路會對民主體制造成威脅。
"It's a problem bigger than Facebook. This is a problem with the entire internet platform industry, and Mark is just one of the two most successful practitioners of it." he also said. The problem with Google and Facebook is that their goal is to replace humans in many daily activities. If you think about what they're doing with artificial intelligence, there are three markets that have proven to be incredibly lucrative: getting rid of white-collar work, telling people what to think using filter bubbles, and creating engines that tell people what to enjoy or consume.
In his interview with the Guardian, McNamee also highlighted the term "brain hacking", which was invented by Tristan Harris, a design ethicist from Google. Brain hacking is used to describe what internet platforms do using the persuasive technologies to change users' habits. Those habits evolve into addictions that eventually make users vulnerable to manipulation. "Like a stroke of lightning, it made me see what it was that had potentially influenced the election in the US, and had potentially influenced Brexit." McNamee said.
《衛報》訪談中,Roger McNamee點出了由設計倫理倡權者Tristan Harris所提出的「大腦駭客」這個概念,大腦駭客被用來描述網路平台利用高科技,操縱用戶的使用習慣。這種習慣將會惡化為網路成癮,最後讓用戶非常容易受到誘導操縱。「那一刻我豁然了悟,這使我看透了這個模式不但能間接影響美國總統大選,也在無形中影響英國脫歐公投的結果。」McNamee說。
It never occurred to McNamee that there would be an asymmetry in the way that advertising works. After the 2016 presidential election in the US, there was evidence that the messages of the Trump campaign had 17 times greater effective reach than Clinton's messages per dollar spent. That's just a staggering advantage! Moreover, he realized that the surprising outcome of Brexit had conferred an extraordinary advantage through Facebook to one side: the Leave campaign.
*有效到達率:在某一特定時間內,目標聽眾至少有一次廣告訊息暴露於其眼前的百分比,有效到達率(Effective Reach)若到達率越高,表示媒體曝光效果越好。
Governmental regulation is only a partial solution. The point is that we have power to affect political change but it has to be collectively. If we use these platforms less and pay less attention to them, we can make a big impact. Government knows there's a problem, and they need to know that voters care enough to justify going in and regulating these companies. McNamee thinks that we are going to have to change how data is owned and used, and enforce antitrust laws to create space for new models to come along. This is a problem that can be solved through new businesses.
參考資料:The Guadian、Fortune、Times、Intelligencer
本文收錄於英語島English Island 2019年5月號
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