
Reviewed by Max Power 

Developed out of a short cartoon poking fun at the hit 1985 classic Back to the Future, Rick and Morty is one of the peak science fiction shows of the decade and also one of the funniest shows on TV. It follows the adventures of bitter high-tech scien- tist Rick Sanchez and his well-meaning and (right- fully) anxious grandson Morty. Basically, Rick and Morty would be hard sci-fi if it weren't as funny and self-critical as it is, and the storytelling is top-notch. 
《瑞克與莫蒂》是取自於1985年惡搞的經典卡通 短片《回到未來》,是近10年來電視科幻動畫的巔峰,也是最好笑的動畫片之一,整片圍繞在一位憤世嫉俗的科學家Rick Sandchez,還有他總出自善意卻(也因此)焦躁的孫子Morty。這部片很會說故事,但若少了笑料和自我嘲諷的幽默基本上是一部艱澀的科幻片。 

The content of the show is always based on science fiction classics of recent memory, usually reversed or turned on their head in some way by the show's cynical sense of humor. For example, in season 1 episode 9, "Something Ricked This Way Comes" (a title riffing on a famous story by science fiction great Ray Bradbury), the devil opens up a store selling items that offer a benefit but also a terrible curse. Rick, annoyed by the devil's bad attitude, opens up a business turning off the curses so customers can enjoy the benefits of the magical items (a business he ultimately destroys when he grows bored with it after reducing the devil to a psychotic wreck.) The show's characters are always consistent and, while comedic, designed to show us a deeper perspective into our own lives, behaviors, and expectations. 
內容主要都是我們記憶中經典的科幻梗,再被改編成的崩壞版,或是用劇中憤世嫉俗的幽默感去呈現,例如,第一季第九集「魔鬼商店」 (Something Ricked This Way Comes)這標題是向偉大的科幻大師Ray Bradbury的作品致敬。這集裡的魔鬼開了一家店,販賣的商品能帶給人好處,但也會有伴隨而來的可怕詛咒, Rick被惡魔的這種擺爛態度惹毛了,便決定開一家專門解除這些詛咒的服務,讓客人可以盡情享受商品的魔力,最後Rick把惡魔搞到失心瘋之後變越發無聊,生意也就被自己搞砸了。這部片的角色設定很連貫,在幽默之餘還傳達對人生的態度、行為模式還有社會期待的深層觀點。 

The show's attitude about ideas that are otherwise common in science fiction gives a totally new edge and perspective to each story. The show's brutally honest perspective on each character shows us their flaws, which keeps them relatable and easy enough to under- stand. The show also presents a consistent view of each character over time as the events of each season cause them to go through personal change. Pop culture references are frequent, though it's done in a way that is digestible enough even if one misses the reference which allow Americans a window towards their flaws and overwrought expectations. 
《瑞克與莫蒂》用另類的方式呈現科幻片,讓每個故事皆有亮點和新觀點,直白、不加掩飾地展現每個角色的缺點,反而讓人好懂,更容易和觀 眾產生連結。每一季的角色都跟著劇情而成長,整體很一致。其中流行文化在劇中也多次被引用,就算觀眾錯過了某部分,從中間看還是很好看懂,同時也讓美國人有機會反思他們的短處還有過度的期待。 

Rick Sanchez, the main character, is a classic example of someone who is too smart for his own good. Though his motivations are frequently questionable (at best), viewers will find themselves on his side anyway, hoping for his victory and feeling sympathy for his failings. The show's sense of humor is grim and sometimes rude also a delight, especially when contrasted against the oddly relatable qualities of its main characters. The Smiths, the family on which the show is centered, are a twisted send-up of a typical TV family, and the humor doesn't stop the story from being rock solid and progressive from episode to episode. Rick and Morty has a habit of staring deeply into itself and considering its own nature, with many subplots and common themes in the show harshly criticizing television and the common practices of television media. 
主角Rick Sanchez是個自私又病態聰明的經典角色,雖然他的動機經常未必正確(往好的方面說),觀眾依舊會跟著他一起冒險,期待他的勝利,也同情他的失敗;這部片的幽默感有時殘酷、有時粗俗,當然也有真的讓人覺得好笑的部分,特別是和主角們怪異的性格產生對比的時候。史密斯一家表面上看起來很一般,實際上是在嘲諷電視上經典的模範家庭,它的幽默感絕不單來自於具體事件,真正的後勁 是一集集延續堆疊而成的。《瑞克與莫蒂》發人省思, 讓人思考本質,許多主要與次要情節都狠狠地批評了電視圈與傳播圈的惡習。 

Watching this show, one will pick up on a lot of cutting-edge modern slang, expressions, and perspectives within American culture, as well as develop a much better familiarity with American humor. Everything about the show represents a deconstruction of typical television shows, including puzzles "hidden in plain sight" that one will only solve as an attentive viewer. The main characters often do not like each other or their lot in life and struggle to improve themselves or gain a better perspective of their own existence. 
看這部劇,能學到許多最新、最潮的俚語和說法、了解美國人的觀點,也會更熟悉美式幽默。劇中的所有部分,都在解構典型的電視節目,只有夠細心的觀眾,才會解開劇中的隱藏彩蛋,而每個角色多半都不喜歡彼此,討厭自己遭遇的人生波折,他們努力掙扎著讓自己 更好,或者說,從各自存在的狀態中,找尋到更高境界的意義。 

1. portal gun 傳送槍 
flying vehicle 飛船 
fuel 燃料 
simulator 模擬器 
chip 晶片 
totes malotes 那還用說嗎 
Zuckerberging+sb. 像祖克柏趕走人 

本文摘錄自一張圖搞懂 美劇無字幕料理 2019年02月號

