


friendly 友善的
He was friendly to me. (他對我很友善。)

costly 昂貴的
Suing somebody can be costly and time-consuming. (打官司可能傷財耗時。)

heavenly 超級美好
The taste and aroma are heavenly. (口味超棒的。)

lonely 寂寞的
I am alone but not lonely. (我一個人,但不寂寞。)

timely 及時的
But for your timely help, I wouldn't make it. (如果不是你及時幫忙,我一定辦不到。)

lovely 可愛的,美好的,令人高興的
You look lovely. (妳看起來真可愛。)
What a lovely surprise! (好棒的驚喜呀!)

orderly 有秩序的
We hope the demonstration will be conducted in a peaceful and orderly fashion.


fast, hard, early, straight, late, weekly

She's a fast driver. (adj.)
She drives fast. (adv.)

The TOEFL is a hard exam. (adj.)
The students work hard. (adv.)

She has straight hair. (adj.)
He went straight home. (adv.)

The early bird catches the worm. (adj.)
The baby arrived earlier than expected. (adv.)

All the staff members must attend the weekly/monthly meeting, no ifs, ands, or buts. (adj.)
Employees are paid weekly/monthly. (adv.)

My fl­ight was half an hour late. (adj.)
(X) My fl­ight was late for half an hour.
She married late. (adv.)


1. 「他桌上疊了很高的書」究竟是 「His desk is piled high with books.」 還是「His desk is piled highly with books.」
2. 「These carrots are fi­nely chopped.」 是「切得很好」還是「切得很細」 ?

close 靠近地 closely 嚴密地、仔細地
An ambulance followed close behind. 一輛救護車緊跟在後面。
I listened closely to what he said. 我仔細聽他說話。

deep 深 deeply 非常
We decide to go deeper into the forest. 我們決定更深入森林。
They worked deep into the night to fi­nish the report. 為了完成報告,他們工作到深夜。
They are deeply in love with each other. 他們深愛彼此。

high 高 highly 非常、很高的程度或數量
We'll need to raise the prices high in order to survive. 為了要生存,我們將會需要調高價格。
I am aiming high in my career life. 我對自己的職業生涯有很高的期許。
The entrance exam is highly competitive. 入學考試競爭激烈。
He's highly paid/ educated. 他薪水很高/ 教育程度高。

I think highly of him. 我對他有很好的評價。
She speaks highly of you. 她對你讚譽有加。

dead 完全地 deadly 非常地
You're dead right! 你完全正確。
I am deadly serious. 我是非常認真的。

late 遲、晚 lately 最近
The Christmas card arrived three days late. 聖誕卡片晚了三天才送到。
I haven’t heard from him lately. 我最近沒有他的消息。

­fine 夠好了或可以接受 ­finely 細小的
Don’t worry too much-- you are doing fi­ne. 不要擔心太多--你做得不錯了。
Finely chop the vegetables before you cook them. 煮之前把菜切得細一點。

hard 努力地 hardly 幾乎不
Our boss pushes us hard. 我們的老闆對我們很嚴格(逼很緊)。
I hardly know you. 我不太認識你。

wrong 放在動詞後面 wrongly 放在過去分詞(p.p.)或that子句之前
I am afraid you guessed wrong. 你恐怕猜錯囉。
My name is pronounced/spelled wrong. 我的名字被唸錯/拼錯了。
She was wrongly diagnosed as having cervical cancer. 她被錯誤診斷為得了子宮頸癌。■

收錄於英語島 2015年1月號
