【News Takeaway】世界最酷的10大街區

‘World’s coolest’ neighborhood for 2024

Visiting famous landmarks is always a highlight of any trip, but discovering hidden local gems—like cozy coffee shops, dreamy bookstores, and chic restaurants—can be even more rewarding.

This is the idea behind Time Out’s latest list of the “world’s coolest” neighborhoods. Unlike popular tourist spots, these lesser-known areas give travelers a chance to experience a city like a local.

These neighborhoods may not be as famous, but they stand out for their unique culture, community spirit, nightlife, and food scenes. The 2024 rankings were created by Time Out’s editors and writers, focusing on areas with a distinct local flavor.

Notre-Dame du Mont in Marseille, France, tops the list for its street art, nightlife, and strong community vibe. Local shop owners say it’s a place where everyone helps each other and where authenticity thrives. One of its standout spots is the bookstore Histoire de l’œil, a beloved establishment for nearly 20 years.

In second place is Mers Sultan in Casablanca, Morocco, praised for its genuine, artistic feel. Pererenan in Bali, Indonesia, comes in third, celebrated for its pristine beaches and laid-back atmosphere.

Kerns in Portland, Oregon, ranked as the highest US neighborhood, is valued for its small-town charm. Meanwhile, Stokes Croft and St Paul’s in Bristol, UK, at number six, captures the city’s rebellious spirit and diverse culture.

Principe Real in Lisbon, which appeared on the list in 2018, returns in 2024, reflecting how some neighborhoods continue to evolve without losing their essence.
Time Out’s list showcases these unique districts, where visitors can blend in and explore the real soul of a city.

Time Out’s Top 10 Coolest Neighborhoods for 2024
1. Notre-Dame du Mont, Marseille, France
2. Mers Sultan, Casablanca, Morocco
3. Pererenan, Bali, Indonesia
4. Seongsu-dong, Seoul, South Korea
5. Kerns, Portland, USA
6. Stokes Croft & St Paul’s, Bristol, UK
7. Chippendale, Sydney, Australia
8. Principe Real, Lisbon, Portugal
9. Glória, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
10. Windsor, Melbourne, Australia

1. Chic 時尚的、有品味的
F“Chic” 是一個英文形容詞,表示“時尚的”或“優雅有品味的”。它通常用來形容人、服飾、家居風格或場所,給人一種簡約、精緻而不失品味的感覺。例如:
• A chic outfit(時尚的服裝)
• A chic café(有品味的咖啡館)
She always dresses in a chic and sophisticated style, making her stand out at every event.

The new restaurant in town has a chic interior design, attracting many young professionals.

2. Lesser-known  不那麼有名的
"Lesser-known" 的意思是「較不知名的」。用來形容某個人、地方或事物相對於其他更知名的對象來說,知名度較低或不被廣泛熟知。
• Lesser-known tourist spots are often less crowded and offer a more authentic experience.
• This author is lesser-known compared to his contemporaries, but his work is equally compelling.

3. Laid-back  放鬆的、隨和的
“Laid-back” 是一個形容詞,指「輕鬆、隨和、悠閒」的特質。它通常表示一個人不容易緊張或焦慮,對待事情很放鬆、不急躁,也不會對小事斤斤計較。
He has a laid-back personality. 他有著隨和的個性。

She is really laid-back about her deadlines. 她對於截止日期的態度非常放鬆。

Even in stressful situations, he remains laid-back.即使在壓力大的情況下,他依然保持冷靜放鬆。

《Time Out》是一位於英國倫教的文化雜誌,介紹本地的表演、藝術、電影、文學、時尚、飲食、夜生活等訊息。




這正是Time Out最新一期「世界上最酷的街區」榜單的靈感來源。與熱門旅遊景點不同,這些不那麼有名的街區讓遊客有機會像當地人一樣體驗城市生活。

這些街區可能不如旅遊景點知名,但它們因獨特的文化、社區精神、夜生活和美食而脫穎而出。2024年的榜單由Time Out編輯和撰稿人共同選出,專注於展現具有鮮明地方風味的街區。

排名第一的是法國馬賽的Notre-Dame du Mont區,這裡以街頭藝術、夜生活和強烈的社區感聞名。當地商家表示,這裡是個互相幫助、保有真實性的地方,其中的Histoire de l’œil書店已經成為當地近20年的地標性存在。

排名第二的是摩洛哥卡薩布蘭卡的Mers Sultan街區,因其真實而充滿藝術氣息的氛圍而受到好評。印尼峇里島的Pererenan則因其優美的海灘和悠閒的氛圍位列第三。

美國排名最高的街區是奧勒岡州波特蘭的Kerns,因其小鎮風情而被選中。英國布里斯托的Stokes Croft和St Paul’s街區排名第六,展現了該市叛逆的個性與多元文化。

里斯本的Principe Real區曾於2018年上榜,今年再次入選,彰顯了一些街區在不失本色的情況下,持續進化和發展。

Time Out的榜單展示了這些獨具特色的街區,讓遊客可以融入當地,探索城市真正的靈魂。

Time Out 2024年10大最酷街區

  1. 法國馬賽,Notre-Dame du Mont區
  2. 摩洛哥卡薩布蘭卡,Mers Sultan區
  3. 印尼峇里島,Pererenan區
  4. 韓國首爾,聖水洞(Seongsu-dong)
  5. 美國波特蘭,Kerns區
  6. 英國布里斯托,Stokes Croft & St Paul’s區
  7. 澳大利亞雪梨,Chippendale區
  8. 葡萄牙里斯本,Principe Real區
  9. 巴西里約熱內盧,Glória區
  10. 澳大利亞墨爾本,Windsor區                                              


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